Cement and Energy

• • • Optirrtising voltages in plant and colony • • Strengthening of Maintenance Inspection for increased equipment availability and overall equipment efficiency improvement along with calculation of MTBF (Mean time between failures) and M1TR val ues • Successful implementation of TPM philosophy and reduction of 16 big loss items, viz. breakdowns, set– up and adjustment idling, reduced output, defects rework and start-up/shutdown period losses • Optimisation of operations • Regular energy audits • Team software dai ly energy consumption analysis and discussion on deviation • Daily gain/loss meeting in sections Consequent upon implementing the multifarious energy conservation schemes described in the foregoing, the plant operation economy has improved considerably at Vikram Cement. However, the running of the units consistent with the market demand has imposed an increased number of shutdowns. This, in turn, has come to be reflected adversely, in increased overall specific energy consumption after 1994. Table 2 illustrates the declining share of energy in the total production cost over the last two years. Which is highly significant considering that the price of coal and electricity had risen duri ng the period. Table 2 Declining Share of Energy in the Total Production Cost Year Energy's Share in Total Cost, % 1996-97 32.72 1997-98 31.63 1998-99 29.33 (6 months) . Schemes in the Pipeline Vikram Cement's continuing efforts in energy conservation are exemplified by the followi ng schemes which are in the pipeline: • • • • • • Bucket elevator for kiln feed for Unit III in place of the present pneumatic conveying system Retrofitting of clinker cooler with IKN KIDS in Unit III Switchover from pneumatic to mechanical transport for cement to cement silo, in Unit ill VVVF drive for cement mill ESP for Units I and ll Energy audit and optirrtisation study of Units I and U ( by M/s. Cern Consult Ltd., Denmark ) for further improvement Tapping of energy from waste and non- conventional energy sources through : Use ofcooler exhaust gas as primary air Installation of solar heaters in Guest House. Use of waste heat of DG set jacket water and exhaust gases - Scheme being worked out. Use of oil sludge/soya husk and other biowastes for pyro firing - Schemes under active consideration. In conclusion, Vikram Cement's achievement in the field of energy conservation through continuous efforts, evaluation, TPM philosophy, openness to new ideas and earnest implementation constitutes a milestone for Indian cement industry. 3