Cement and Energy

Vikram Cement was awarded the best Productivity Awards for the years 1992-93 and 1994-95 by the National Producti vity Council. Ever since, Vikram Cement has won a string of awards and trophies, such as : TPM Excellence Award from JTPM, Tokyo, in 1995; IMC Ramakrishna Bajaj National Quality Award (Certificate of Merit) in 1997 for Table 1 Energy Savings Achieved at Vikram Cement's Units Unit Yikram New Vikram Vikram Super TQM; ISO 9001 Certification from RW TIN, Germany - 1998; IQRS (International Quality Rating System) Level-S certification in Sept. 1998 by DNV; IMC Ramakrishna Bajaj National Quality Award Trophy in 1998 for TQM implementation. Strategies Adopted and Schemes Implemented Energy conservation has been achieved through the following strategies : I. ii. iii. iv. Increased production to bring down specific power consumption, Substituting by energy efficient equipmentlprocess/technology, Effective energy monitoring and target setting, and Loss reduction and higher productivity through TPM (Total Productivity Management) system. The various energy conservation schemes that were implemented in the three Units from time to time are listed below : • Addition of 5-stage suspension preheater to kiln stream for Units I and II • Installation of slip recovery system on preheater fan for Units I and II • Variable speed VVVF control on cooler fans for Unit III • Replacement of pneumatic conveying airlift by mechanical bucket elevator system in raw mill and cement mill silos for Units I and II • Installation of Gamma matrics cross belt analyser for limestone belts to get better raw mix for all Units Specific Energy Consumption 1992-93 Present Thermal Electrical Thermal Electrical kcal!lcg kWh/tof kcal/kg kWh/t of clinker cement clinker cement 791 105.69 745 92.57 790 102.76 740 92.64 771 116.27 715 91.71 • Retrofitting of IKN KIDS system grate in clinker cooler for Units I and II • Optimisation of plant operating voltage and frequency for all Units • Installation of electrostatic precipitator for cooler exhaust gases in place of multi-cyclone for Units I and II. All spheres of activity have been coordinated at Vikram Cement to implement energy conservation. Since mere implementation of a scheme may not yield results to the expected degree, this was strengthened by optimisation, constant application and dedicated team efforts. Following are the measures in detail taken in this light for enhanced productivity and reduction in energy consumption. • Watchful functioning of the energy conservation cell for coordiantion of all conservation activities • TPM monthly presentation meetings attended by all staffmembers and workers • Implementation of Kaizen (continuous improvement) under TPM philosophy to bring down energy inputs • Target setting for thermal and electrical energy consumption and continuous daily monitoring by operating heads, and discussing with all departments monthly • False air monitoring on monthly basis in preheater circuit, coal miii and raw mill circuits • Study of kiln heat balance monthly and identification of heat losses • Reduced idle running • Switching on lights only when necessary, in plant area and colony 2