Cement and Energy

FORTHCOMING EVENTS • 11 - 15 April1999 IEEE/PCA: 41st Cement Industry Technical Conference Roanoke, Virginia, USA Contact : John Summerbell, Roanoke Cement Co. Tel:+ 1504992 1501 Fax : + 1504992 1559 • 10- 13 May 1999 China Cement & Concrete' 99, Beijing, China Contact : Xu Jin, CCPIT Email : ccpitbms @ public 3bta.net.cn. Cement Manufacturers' Association • 7 - 9 June 1999 Coaltrans Asia, Sydney Coaltrans Conference Ltd. Nestor House, Play House Yard London EC 4V SEX, UK • 14- 17 September 1999 2nd International Conference on "Environment Protection in Cement Industry" 11arrakesh, 11orocco Eng. Ahmad Al-Rousan Arab Union for Cement and Building 11aterials P.O. Box 9015 -' Damascus, Syria Tel. : (+96311) 6665070/ 6115412 Fax: ( +96311) 6621525/ 6111318 Vishnu Kiran Chamber, 2142-47, Gurudwara Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi- 110 005. Tel : 576-3206, 576-0347, 573-2332, Tlx: 031 -77240, Fax: 011-573-8476. E-mail: emand@nda.vsnl.net.in National Council for Cement and Building Materials NH-2, Ballabgarh 121 004, Haryana. Tel: 0129-242-051 to 56, 0129-246-174-75, Tlx: 0343-301, Fax: 0129-242-100 14