Cement and Energy

ROUND TABLE ON CORPORATE APPROACH FOR ENERGY CqNSERVATION A round table conference was organised on 22 January I999 at New Delhi by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) on "Corporate Approach for Energy Conservation". The conference, co-sponsored by M/s. Century Rayon, Tata Chemicals Ltd. and Indal, focussed on the issues related to Energy Resources, Energy Demand and Energy Conservation vis-a-vis Approach of corporate leaders towards energy conservation. The inaugural address was delivered by Hon'ble Minister of Power, Govt. of India. Shri P.R. Kumaramangalam. An Energy Efficiency Forum was launched on the occasiort and corporate leaders were invited to join it for promoting energy conservation activities. Various presentations were made by corporate leaders on strategies adopted on energy efficiency. Also a presentation on financing energy efficiency projects was made by IREDA. Various other issues undertaken for presentation/discussion related to Energy Efficiency & Management and Energy Efficient Technologies. FINANCING OF ENER(;Y EFFICIENCY PROJECTS BY fREDA UNDER \VORLD BANK 2""' LINE OF CREDIT The Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd. (IREDA) has recently initiated financing of Energy Efficiency Projects and ESCO Projects under World Bank 2nd line of credit. The energy efficiency projects should envisage energy saving as a subsequent measure recommended by reputed consultants/energy auditors, where the minimum saving with respect of nominal load is ensured. Applicants who, as on the date of tendering the loan application, have no accumulated losses (without taking into account effect of revaluation of assets, if any) and with profitable working on the last year of operation, will be considered eligible for financial assistance. Also, projects commissioned prior to the registration date will not be eligible for the loan. Moreover, loan application of Rs. 10 lakh and above would only be considered for financial assistance by IREDA. This IREDA loan for commercial and industrial sector is available at an interest rate of 12.50 to 13% with a moratorium of 2 years and 10 years (max.) repayment period. The minimum promoter's contribution is 20%. IREDA has therefore invited applications from industries, including cement industry to be submitted in the preliminary loan application form. However, the actual loan application will have to be prepared subsequently by the applicants under the assistance of professional agencies. NCB has been identified as one of the agencies for preparation of such bankable proposals. The guidelines for loan assistance and copy of preliminary loan application form can be obtained from NCB. 13