Cement and Energy

Strong Team remarked on the kiln productivity and specific power consumption for January 1997, as follows: Shree Cement is being managed by experienced and innovative promoters and Board of Directors. Further it is backed by a highly experienced and qualified team who are fully committed and dedicated to achieving increased productivity and energy efficiency. The management has also taken the advice of world renowned consultants from time to time. Kiln and Energy Performance "Both kiln loadings of 5.89 and 6.22 mtpdlm 3 are the highest we know. Your power consumption of 82.78 kWhlmt cement is also amongst the best in the world not to forge t that your plant originally was designed in the early 80 's. Your production results are an example of what can be obtained by an extremely engaged management. " Shree Cements efforts have resulted in improved productivity. The maximum record production from the kiln reached 3651 tpd with specific kiln output of 6.43 tpd/m 3 during April 1997, which should be one of the best figures achieved in the world at this time. A comparison of specific electrical energy consumption in the various sections of the plant before and after modernisation is given in Table 3. There has been considerable increase in output rate of the raw mill, kiln and cement mill as can be seen in Table 4. Table 3. Electrical energy performance before and after modernisation Section Specific electrical energy consumption kWh/t cement 1985 to 1989 After initiation of modernisation/ Before initiating productivity optimisation steps modernisation steps 1989/90 to April to Best 1995/96 Dec. 1996 achieved Based on 22-24 hours of kiln running during April for 26 days, the average output rate of kiln was clocked at 3309 tpd of clinker which is equivalent to an average specific output of kiln at 5.97 tpd/m 3 . Aprill997 As a result, the specific electrical energy consumption has decreased from 11 8.65 to 114.65 kWh/t of cement for the years 1985-89 to 85.86 kWh/t of cement during April 1997. Machinery manufacturers FLS Crusher and ropeway Raw mill JGin, coal mill and cooler Cement mill Packing plant Total 2.47- 2.18 29.20- 23.95 44.92- 44.05 44.89- 38.50 2.88- 2.13 11 8.65- 114.55 1.91 - 1.52 2.09 1.90 26.05 - 19.58 18.58 17.04 44.70 -33.11 34.63 33.46 39.29 - 33.95 34.10 31.63 2.26 - 1.38 1.59 1.83 113.88 - 92.23 90.99 85.86 Table 4. Increase in throughput of grinding and pyroprocessing equipment before and after upgrading Equipment Output rate Installed rated output Achieved before upgrading Best achieved in April'97 (May'85) 1988-89 after upgrading Raw mill (ATOX) 175 tph for grinding 220 tph at product size 231-263 tph at product size 37.5m, 1600kw materials having 8% 18- 18.5%+901J. and 18 - 20% + 90 1J. and moisture and 90 mm feed 2.2-2.5%+ 2121-l 4.0- 5.0% + 2121-l Kiln 3.95 m x 56 m 75 tph clinker 3.95 rpm I 07-110 tph clinker 140 tph clinker (average) Cement mill 4.4 m x 120 tph (OPC) 130-135 tph (OPC at 2600 to 138-158 tph (OPC at 13.4 m, 3939 kw 2700 Blaine cement) 2700 - 2900 Blaine cement 135- 140 tph (PPC at and PPC at an average Blaine 3500 - 2550 Blaine cement) of 3118) II