Cement and Energy

f Thermal Energy Reduction of false ai r mgress 111 van ous circuits. Preheater cyc lone modifications with dispersion plates. Deflector plates m ri ser ducts of bottom cyclones. SHRIRAl\1 CE:\'1ENT WORKS, KOTA (Rec1pient of Second Best Improvement in Energy Pe!:formance and Best Improvement in Electrical Energy Pe1jormance awards for the yearl992-93). Shriram Cement Works is a wet process cement plant based on Waste Calcium Hydroxide Sludge, generated from sister carb ide plant hav ing an installed capacity of 2.0 LTPA. The plant is equipped with a 680 tpd rotary kiln. Energy Management Measures adopted b) the plant: Electrical Energy : Continuous monitoring of output rates and energy consumption of various equ ipment through appropriate instrumentation. Minimising idle running of equ ipment such as crushers, belt conveyors, fans, compressors etc. through PLC. Optimisation of grindi ng media charge and reduction in feed size of the raw mill. Closed circuiting of wet raw mill by DSM screens. Optimisation of coal mill through optimisation of grinding media charge, removal of outl et diaphragm and prevention offalse air. Prov ision of e lect roni c ea r for all the grinding mi ll s. Thermal Energy Improved material flow and better heat transfer due to modification in ki ln chain design. Installation ofdust collector/optimisation ofcoal mill gas circuit to recover fine coal and to improve secondary air temperature. Better kiln flame control through installation of variable speed PA fan and optimisation of raw mtx. Minim isation of false air in the kiln - cooler circ uit by identifying false air through gas flow measurements and plugging it. CIIITTOR CEMENT WORKS, CIIITTORGARH (Recipient of Best Improvement in Thermal Energy pe1jormance awardfor the year 1993-94). Chitter Cement Works, Chittorgarh is a dry process plant having an installed capacity of 5 LTPA. The plant is equipped with 5 stage Precalciner kiln of 1500 tpd capacity. Encr·gy Management :\'1casures adopted by the plant : Thermal Energy Opti misation of coo ling air quantity to increase coo ler bed thickness resulting in better heat recuperation in cooler and increase in secondary air temperature. Replacement of Ist stage twin conventiona l cyc lones with low pressure cyc lones. Air quantity for coa l transport system has been optimised. percentage of primary air has hot secondary air has increased. in kiln firing Due to this , reduced and By commission ing of coal mill BDC in place of an ESP, the coa l dust loss has reduced.