Cement and Energy

\' l· A View of some Modernisation c;mi~d out in plant j J ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I ·">~.. '• . .. . r f ,. ' I./ The author is thankful to the President ofShree Cement Ltd., Shri MK. Singhi for his valuable suggestions and guidance and Vice President (Tech.), Shri S.S. Jain f or providing relevant details/data and advice while preparing this paper. ENERGY CONSERVATION : ROUND UP Workshop on Energy Conservation in Industry T he Institution of Engineers (India), Delhi state · centre organi sed a "Workshop on Energy Cmiserv'ation in Industry", sponsored by Petroleum conservation Reseach Association (PCRA) and Energy Ma~agement ~entre (EMC) in February · 1997 at New Delhi. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr M.R. Srinivasan , Member, Planning Commission, Government ofindia. Presentations were made on Energy Conservatio~ Research as a tool for sustained Economic Growth, Energy Conservation in National Planning , Monitoring and target setting for Energy Efficiency by representatives from DST, Planning Commission and EMC respectively. Case study presentations were also made by representatives of award winning compani es such as Reliance Industries Ltd, Bhilai Steel Plant, Indian Oil corporation Ltd and Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL). NCB 's activities in the area of Energy Conservation in cement industry were also highlighted through presentation made by NCB during the workshop. Further information can be had from: Shri Pradeep Chaturvedi Chairman, Organising Committee The Institute of Engineers (India) Delhi State Circle Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi 1 I0 002.