Cement and Energy

., ,, •• •t ENERGY CONSERVATION THROUGHMODERNISATION -"DO IT YOURSELF"- APPROACH INTRODUCTION S hree Cement Ltd. at Beawer, Rajasthan has set an unique example for energy conservation through modernisation a nd upgradation. Gene rall y, significant energy conservation is achieved with large scale investment by introduction of new equipment/system. Such modernisation involves one-time large outlay. The other alternative is phased modernisation in a systematic way with appropriate methods where the implementation can be done with in-house expertise a nd capab iliti es. This approach saves both reduction of major down time and also scope of verification of outcome of each stage before going for the next. MODERNISATION T he plant supplied by F L Smidth & Co. ,AIS, Dem11ark for the rated capacity of Kiln of 1800 t/day clinker is based on dry process technology and comprised of Vertical Roller Atox mill for raw material grinding, CF silo, kjln equipped with 4 stage suspension preheater and in-line precalciner and folax grate cooler, Atox Coal Mill, combidan type of cement mill etc. A si ngle line I 800 TPD FLS kiln with 4 SP and ILC was installed in 1985 with an average ({nergy consumption of 114 to 118 kwh/t of cement . Stagewise mondern i sat i on has achieved the power consumption to the level of 86-91 Kwh/t of cehl ent w ith the -,production increase to Raw Mill Dynamic Separator One of the most important features of the phased modernisation programme is replacing the I st st age conventional twin cyclones in the preheater with LP cyclones through indigenous design, fabrication and installation at the top of the preheater. The LP cyclones we re designed by SCL engineers alongwith a professor of IIT Delhi and a Delhi b·ased consultant. The LP cyclones and riser duct (from II stage cyclone to I stage cyclone) were preassembled and bricklined at ground then assembly of cyclones and riser duct (weighing 125 tonne each cyclone and riser duct 95 tonne) were lifted and installed on preheater top at a height of 74.2 meter 3451 tonnes per day with a specific loading of 6.22 Mt/day/M3 which is reported to be one of the best in the world. by engaging the heavy duty crane which saved 50% down time of kiln and job was carried out in 22 days only. Author: D1: S.N. Yadav, General Manager (Fee/mica( Cell). Shree Cement Ltd. , Beawm: Rajasthan