Cement and Energy

Production of coa l in 1996-97 is expected to be 289 million tonnes against the eighth plan target of 308 million tonnes. The demand wi ll be 325 million tonnes in the current year against the total supply of 300 mill ion to nnes whic h wou ld in clude both domestic production and imports. The approach to the power sector outlined at the formul ation stage of the ninth plan, includes: • State and cen tral utilities to ensure speedy compl etion of ongoing projects and take up new projects. • Transparency in se lection of private parties keen to invest in th e power sector, besides a speedy dec ision-making process to_ ensure a smooth flow of investments. • A cost benefit analys is of mega projects versus sma ll projects and address ing environmental considerat ions before choosing new projects. I • Provision of fiscal incentives and concess ions for en listing pri vate sector investment in the hydro power sector. • Determined steps for rationalis ing power tariff to improve the health of SEBs which have jointly lost Rs 7,500 crore in 1995-96. • Tapping the potential of nuclear power whi ch is cost effective. • Promoting manufacturing capabii ity for power equipment by domestic companies. A RENEWED FOCUS ON ENERGY CONSERVATION National Seminar on Energy Efficiency under the Energy Management Consultation and Training Project of USAID A comprehensive central legislation on energy conservation is li ke ly to be finali sed sh01tly to give boost to energy effi ciency wh ich has become crucial in the context of power shortage and the high cost of energy production. An indication to this effect was given by Mr Ajay Dua, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Power, at th e seminar ·on "Energy Effi ciency" jointly associated by th e Assoc iated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) and the Resource Management Associates (RMA) , USA, durin g January 16- 17, 1997 at New Delhi . There were five technica l sess ions as under: Improving Energy Efficiency in India II Demand side Management m Energy Effic iency case studies IV Energy Service companies in 1ndia v Financing Energy Efficiency . ~.: .· ~~--· · . ·~ The important presentations included Government policies and role towards improv in g Energy Efficiency; Role of Indian financia l institutions in Energy Management in industry; Demand side · Management (DSM) program plann ing and design; Energy Efficiency improvements in cement and Pulp and Paper industry etc; Financing '· opt ions and experiences. Further information can be had from: Dr Mukul Khanduri /Mrs Rinu Ghosh The Associated Chambers ofCommerce & Industry ofJndia 2nd Floor, Allahabad Bank Building 17, Parliament Street New Delhi 110 001. ,