Cement and Energy

Rewinding motors Rewinding a motor decreases its efficiency and can sig– nificantly increase energy costs. This has been demon– strated by an experiment by Canadian utility Ontario Hydro showing that rewinding gave an average drop in efficiency of 1.1% The experiment entailed purchasing ten identical indus– trial motors and establishing their efficiency by testing to the relevant CSA standards at an independent facility. Nine motors had a hole burnt in their end windings. Each of the damaged motors was then sent to different rewind companies for repair. Once rewound, the nine motors were sent back to the same independent testing facility and re-tested. It was found that all the motors suffered a decrease in efficiency, with an average reduction of 1.1 %. This doesn't seemmuch, but even small changes have a large affect on life cycle costs. /Courtesy: World Cement August 1996/ FORTHCOMING EVENTS * 20- 24 April 1997 39th IEEE/PCA Cement Industry Technical conference Hershey, PA/USA Contact : John See bald, See bald Enterprises, lnc Tel:+ 1 800 862 2721 /Fax: + I 717 845 8814 * 2- 6 June 1997 1Oth International congress on the Chemistry of Cement, Gothenburg, Sweden Contact : Congrex, Box 5078, S-40222 Gothenburg, Sweden * 12 - 16 June 1997 Beijing Exhibition '97/CementTechnology & Equipment Conference,'97, Beijing, China Contact : Cui Yuansheng, ITIBMIC, Fax: + 86( 10) 65761207 * 8- 10 November 1997 First International Symposium on Cement Industry Organised by : Assiut University & Assiut Cement Company in Cooperation with Arab Union for Cement and Building Materials Contact Prof Dr Kamal A. Idriss Head of Chemistry Department Faculty ofScience, Assiut University Assiut, 71516, Egypt Fax: 02088 - 312564 * II - 13 Feb. I998 (Tentative data) 3rd India .International Refractory Congress (IREFCON- 98) at Calcutta Organised by: Indian Ceramic Society, Indian Refractory Makers Association and Indian Institute ofMetals -