CEE Oct-Dec 2012

S.No. Event Venue Organizer/Contact Date/Time Focus Area 4. • Cost Reduction Inventory Control, Standardization of Material and Improved Procurement Practices • Source Development and Vendor Rating • Negotiation Skills • Contract Management Process and Dispute Resolution • Internal Control Systems to prevent irregularities in Tendering, Procurement, Release of Payment and Award of Contracts • Behavioral skills to deal with contractors, vendors and suppliers. 5. Wire & Cable India 2012 Hall 1, Bombay Messe Dusseldorf India Pvt. ltd Oct.30- 1Nov. - 4 1 h International Exhibition Convention & Head Office: 2012. & Conference for the Wire Exhibition Centre 1, Commercial Complex, & Cable Industry Mumbai 2"d Floor. Pocket H & J, Sarita Vihar New Delhi-110 076 Tel. : +91-11-2697 1056, +91-11-2697 1066, +91-11-2697 1745, Fax: +91-11-2697 1746 E-mail: info@md-india .com httg://www.md-india.com 6. Advanced Training Hyderabad Shankar Kundu Nov. 2-3, 2012 • Introduction to Green Buildings Programme on Green Somya.shankar@cii. in • Sustainable Sites Building Rating Systems +9140 44 'i85164 /+91 8978110086 Water Efficiency • Fax: +91 40 23 112837 Web: www.greenbuildingcongress.com • Energy Atmosphere Web: www.igbc.in • Materials & Resources CII-Shorabji Godreg Green Business • Indoor Environmental Quality Centre • Innovation and Design & Regional Priority Survey No. 64 Kothaguda Post P. P. • Green Building Case Study Distt. Near HITECH City • Discussion on documentation Hyderabad- 500 064 Andhra Pradesh. • Exercises on Templates 65