CEE Oct-Dec 2012

· Calendar of Events India S.No. Event Venue 0 rganizer/Contact DatefTime Focus Area 1. 2"d ASIA CEMENT Sheraton Hotel, CIMGLOBAL October 5-6, 2012 - SUMMIT 2012 Bangalore www.cimqlobal net Gitika Mahajan M: +91 8860558540 E: gitika@cimblobal. net Pratibha Verma M: +91 9990156798 E: Qratibha@cimqloba l.net www.asiacementsumm it.net 2. Seminar on Raw Taj Bengal, FIMI October 8 - 9 , • Demand and supply, pricing and policies Materials for Iron and Kolkata Federation of Indian Mineral Industries 2012 - global scenario and future strategies of Steel Industry FIMI House, B-311, Okhla Industrial Area, raw materials for iron and steel Phase I, New Delhi-110020. • Technology issues and promotion of Tel: +91-11 -26814596 ; research and development Fax: +91-11-26814594, 26814593 • Logistics and infrastructural issues E-mail: fimi@fedmin.com; Environmental and sustainability Website: www.fedmin.com • 3. 3Day Workshop on Vasant " Industrial Management Academy" October 8-10, 2012 Workshop Contents: "Material Management - Continental, New Plot No. BA-4F, Munirka DDA Complex, • Purchase Policy, Tendering Procedure Procurement Practices, Delhi New Delhi-110067. and Delegation of Powers Inventory Control, Supply Ph. :+91 11 26106272, 26101411 • Supply chain Management Techniques Chain Management and Source Development" Mob.: 9868413323 • Business process Re-engineering (BPR) Fax: +91 11 26197369, 41071600, for sustained improvements in material 26163736 management process E-mail: imanewdelhi@gmail.com • Technological advances relating to Web: www.imanewdelhi.com Procurement: e-Purchase System • Transparency and Accountability in Tendering Process, Purchase and Contract Management Contd... 64