CEE Oct-Dec 2012

In this direction, both the Forum of Regulators and Advisory constituted to flesh out the remained active. Group, project The First Meeting of the Forum of Regulators was held at Gandhinagar on 5th November 2012 under the Chairmanship of Shri Hardik Shah, Member Secretary, Gujarat State Pollution Control Board, wherein it was resolved to seek necessary clearance and support from Government agencies to meet the ambitious target set in the XIIth Plan for 5% TSR in Cement Plants through increased usage of alternate fuels. The Forum 's Second Meeting took place at Vikram Cement Plant, Neemuch, Madhya Pradesh on 21st December 2012 under the Chairmanship of Dr B Sengupta, Former Member Secretary of CPCB, wherein it was proposed that MoEF wou ld be approached for passing executive orders with respect to affecting some of the critical issues identified in the Regulators' Forum. Discussions in these Forum Meetings focussed on identification and prioritization of waste for co-processing, & alternative raw material & blending material for cement manufacture, inventorisation of waste, transportation, health & safety measures, etc. The First Meeting of the Advisory Group was held on 15th November 2012 and was chaired by Shri S K Wali, Chairman of the Advisory Group & Wholetime Director of JK Lakshmi Cement Ltd . Based on the deliberations made in these meetings and the feedback received from different Member Cement Plants, the Project Team has been enabled to map Alternate Fuel s in four select states of Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu, and also conduct feasibility studies for use of identified Alternate Fuels in four Cement Plants as follows in the selected states: • Andhra Pradesh- Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Ltd, Kadappa, for Hazardous Waste • Gujarat- Ultra Tech Kovaya Plant, for Hazardous Waste • Rajasthan- JK Lakshmi Cement Plant, Sirohi, for Tyres • Tamil Nadu- Ultra Tech Reddipalayam Ariyalur. Cement Works, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES During the period, the industry continued to pro-acti vely address the various environmental issues concerning the Industry to the Government. CMA worked in close co-operation with the various Government authorities (CPCB, MoEF, DIPP) in putting across the industry 's viewpoints on the following issues: • Emissions Norms for S02, NOx, and Particulate Matter • Installation of Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station • Environmental Limestone Mining Standards • National Water Pol icy for • Measurement of Mercury Emissions from Coal-Fired Cement Plant.