CEE Oct-Dec 2012

I Lok Sabha Questions &Answers/Notifications GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT & FORESTS LOK SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 620 TO BE ANSWERED ON 13.8.2012 Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change 620. SHRIMATI JAYSHREEBEN PATEL.: Will the Minister of Environment and Forest be pleased to state: a. The decision taken in the conference to reduce the carbon emission in international dialogue and Koyoto Protocol on climate change; b. Whether the rich countries are giving financial assistance to developing countries for reduction of carbon emission; c. If so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefore; and d. The details of the plan formulated by the Government in view of the new conditions and challenges emerging in the backdrop of climate dialogue? Answer Minster of State (Independent Charge) For Environment and Forests (Shrimati Jayanthi Natarajan) a. At the Seventeenth Conference of Parties (CoP-17) held in Durban in December, 2011 , the Parties have agreed to implement the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol beginning from 2013 for a period of five or eight years. The decision on the length of commitment period will be taken at the next Climate Change Conference scheduled in Nov– Dec 2012 in Doha , Qatar. At Durban , a process was also launched to develop a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force under the Convention and applicable to all Parties. The process to be concluded by 2015 includes legal arrangements for international emissions reduction in the post-2020 period. b.&c. At Durban, steps were taken to operationalize the Green Climate Fund (GCF) as operational entity of the financial mechanism under the convention. The Fund has the task of mobilizing and providing USD 100 billion per annum by 2020 in order to support mitigation and adaptation actions in developing countries. An interim Secretariat and a Board of the Fund have been set up. A high-level panel has also been constituted to address the issue of long term finance. The developed countries were called upon in Durban to fulfi l their promise to provide fast-start finance of USD 30 billion to the developing countries. d. Government of India released its National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) in 2008. The NAPCC is designed to achieve sustainable development with co-benefit in terms of climate change. NAPCC consists of eight missions namely National Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency, National Solar Mission, National Mission on Sustainable Habitat, National Water Mission, National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem, Green India Mission, National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture and National Mission for Strategic knowledge, which will be implemented by the respective Ministries on the basis of detailed plans that are approved by the Prime Minister's Council on Climate Change. Further, the Government has encouraged the States to prepare State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) in order to address the adverse effects of climate change at the State level. Climate Change is also one of the central elements in the 12th Five Year Plan. ********** 61