CEE Oct-Dec 2012

Being the country to which exports are most directed since 8 years, Iraq that gave its position to Russia in 2008, became the most exported country in 2011 . 2.5 million tonnes of cement were exported to Iraq. Furthermore, Syria which our exports have continued to rise for 5 years became our second market with 1.98 million tonnes of export capacity, though falling quantity in exports. Rol.lAtiYA ROI.lAiliA ISPAIIYA SPAIIJ ~ v imento ihracatl Cemen t Exports (2011) 1 • f"\'AIOR GltJf SI !t:tJAOOR GIIII IFA IRAI\ IIV\0 23 ~ RIISYA RUSSIA ~ FftAII!->A FAANCF ?"o ISRAIL ISIV\H tl"o MISIR lGYPT I' o Respectively 23 per cent and 18 per cent of cement exports were done to Iraq and Syria. Other important markets are Russia, Egypt, Nigeria and Israel. The Figure 3 shows major destinations for exports with percentages. Cement is most exported to Asian countries; on the other hand European countries have become the third largest market due to increasing demand in African market. While clinker exports are mostly directed to European countries, clinker exports in African market also expanded. Most of the clinker was exported to Brazil , the new market (Figure 3, 4). 34%, 33%, and 26% of clinker was exported to Europe, Africa and South America respectively. Gvqc;ST-"'' G!:C'lG1>< 3 "ILDI$1 SAI-<1.1 IVORY CO><ST Klinker lhracatt Clml<"r E>rporTs {2011 ) B'lEZI~ YA BRASIL :J ~ekil 3 I Figure 3 WORLD BANK: GARBAGE IS GLOBAL PR JBLEM Report shows city trash is rising; China overtakes U.S. as greatest waste producer With the growing population in the cities of developing countries, the amount of garbage generated by city dwellers is set to rise sharply over the next two decades, according to a report published by World Bank. The report - What a Waste: A Global Review of Solid Waste Management - presents meticulous data on municipal solid waste generation, collection , composition and disposal by country and by region . China surpassed the U.S. as the world's biggest waste producer in 2004, the report revealed , and also estimated the quantity of municipal solid waste will steeply grow from the current 1.3 Billion tonnes a year to 2.2 Billion by 2025. RCr)A•oYA ROII.lA'liA J t•Ai..YA ITA_V 18~ The annual cost of solid waste management is projected to rise from $205 bn to $375 bn. "Improving solid waste management, especially in the rapidly growing cities of low-income countries, is becoming an increasingly urgent issue," said Rachel Kyte, vice president of sustainable development at the World Bank. AA~ERW< CM.'t~OO'· 5.., 3E~.II. 6 ~ekil 4 I Figure 4 For further information Please log on to: www.tcma.org.tr Courtesy: Cement and Concrete World, March, April, 201 2, Pp39-47. ''The quantity of municipal solid waste will grow to 2.2 bn tonnes by 2025" Courtesy: Urban News Digest, July 2012, P17. 54