CEE Oct-Dec 2012

India's existing domestic production of about 858,000 barrels of oil per day is on ly about 25 per cent of its current consumption of 3,473,000 barrels of oil per day. 3. Electrification ratio in India (31-03-2012) Total No. of Villages No. of villages Electrified 593732 555127 As a result, the vol ume of crude oil imports % of Villages Electrified 93.5% has been increasing steadily in India nearing about 75 per cent of its total crude requirement in 2011. 4. Loss of power transmission According to the Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics, crude oil and refined products made up over 28 per cent and 30 per cent of India's import of principal commodities in 2010-11 and first half of 2011-12 respectively. Meanwhile petroleum refining capacity has outstripped demand consistently. Since 2002 , the country's export of petroleum products has risen from 10 million tonnes to around 60 million tonnes in 2011-12, an average annual growth of over 20 per cent. Courtesy: Total Energy, Jul.- Aug. 2012, P14. POWER SECTOR IN INDIA • Actual status of electric power facilities and supply 1. Installed capacity (MW) and its ratio (%) by each type of facilities Installed Generating Capacity of Indi a (As on 31.3.2012) is: Thermal 131353.18 MW (65.99%) Coal 112022.38 MVV Gas 18131 .05 MW DSL 1199.75MW Nuclear 4780.00 MW (2.55%) Hydro 38990.40 MVV (20.71%) R.E.S . 24503.45 MW (As Per MNES) (10.75%) Total 199627.03 MW (100.00%) 2. Electricity generated (MU) and its ratio (%) by each type of Electricity Generation (as on 31 .3.2012) Thermal Nuclear Hydro Bhutan 708450.94 32269.77 130431.64 5586.00 (80.83) (3.68%) (1 4.88) (0.07%) Total 876436.62 (100%} No-Information 5. Increasing rate (%) of electricity demand in India (past result and future perspective) Electricity demand fore casts to the promotion of high efficiency and DSM measures and also based on reducing T & D losses is; 2016-17 2021-22 Demand T&D Losses 1, 99,540 MW 2, 83,470 MW 18.9% 15.4% 6. Peak demand is 130,006 MW (31-03-2012) there is a defi cit of 15,773 MW (-12.1%) Energy Policies in India Results (or forecast) of the 11 1 h five year plans of power & energy (2007-2012) Target(MW) Achieved (MW) Thermal Nuclear Hydro 50757 3380 8237 48540 880 5544 Total 62374 54962 Targeted value of 12th five year plan of power & energy (2012 -2017) Thermal 67,686 MW Hydro 9,204 MW Nuclear 2,800 MW Total capacity 79,690 MW (Conventional) Targeted value of power by renewable energy (12th Five year Plan) Wind Solar Other Res 15,000 MW 10,000 MW 5,000 MW Total (Res) 30,000 MW Courtesy: India Power, Jul. - Sep. 2012, P41 . 24