CEE Oct-Dec 2012

r also had to contribute with cost-effective technologies. Public private partnership projects could be implemented with public sector holding ownership of assets. Experts from the industry said that nearly 80 per cent of the industries did not have rainwater harvesting structures. S. Raghupathy, executive director, Cll Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre, said that besides promoting green home concept, industries must redesign themselves to generate their own water resource and ensure zero water discharge. Emphasizing on water pricing policy and augmentation of storage capacity, N.K. Ranganath, chairman of the Cll conference, said that the government may adopt multiple water pricing according to consumption rate or the economic strata of the consumers. It must also encourage project implementation through PPP mode. The lack of sufficient qualified personnel to execute water related projects was highlighted at the conference. Courtesy: Water Today, Sep. 2012, P10. Energy CHETIINAD CEMENT ENTERS POWER SECTOR; TO SET UP 1320 MW PROJECT Chettinad Cement Corporation, a leading cement producer, has decided to enter the power sector in a big way with a 2 x 660-MW super– critical project in Tami l Nadu. It has formed an associate company, Chettinad Power Corporation, to implement the project, which is coming up at Tarangambadi in Nagapattinam district of Tamil Nadu over 1,000 acre. According to market sources, the company plans to pump in Rs. 1,300 crore over four years into its associate power company as equity. The company is said to have got approvals from banks and Fls concerned to fund the debt portion. Company officials were not available for comments. However, market sources said the overall project cost is pegged at Rs. 9,000 crore and would be set up in a debt/equity ratio of 70:30. It is a coal fired power project and the location becomes an ideal platform to import coal from neighbouring countries, including Indonesia. The project will include a captive jetty to import coal and for other purposes for which the company will also call tenders, the sources said. It is expected that the company will soon call for international competitive bidding to procure main machineries and accessories/ancillaries concerned for the plant. The company may seek benefits under 'mega power project' . The company would also select a prospective supplier of coal as many owns captive coal mines in countries like Indonesia. The coal demand for this power project is pegged at 4 million tonne. The company has got formal approvals/environment clearances and work on this project has already begun. The company is looking at technical collaboration with renowned players in the field. Courtesy: The Financial Express Chennai, 27.10.2012. INDIA'S ENERGY CONSUMPTION TO DOUBLE BY 2031 Deloitte study Energy consumption in India is likely to double to 1,124 kgs of oil equivalent (kgoe) by 2031-32 on the back of high economic expansion. The report said a multi-pronged strategy, like increasing production of oil and gas and diversifying import sources, are needed to meet growing energy demand in India, which is heavily dependent on imports. With demand for hydrocarbons closely linked to economic growth, demand for petroleum products is expected to grow at 6 per cent. "Without exception, energy consumption in India is expected to grow. A sizeable share of this energy requirement is expected to continue to come from hydrocarbons," said Kalpana Jain, senior director, Deloitte. "However, better infrastructure, clear policies and regulatory environment are required across the oil and gas value chain to make the sector attractive for investment," she said. As domestic production of crude is relatively stable and not following the growth trend of demand, dependence on imports is likely to rise, the report said. As per current estimates of production and demand, share of imports is set to rise from current 75 percent to 80 per cent by the end of the 1 i h five year plan (2016-1 7). 23