CEE Oct-Dec 2012

Apart from washings of small quantity of antibiotic and sterilize chemicals from the production lines and concentrated chemicals comes from crushing, all to the main Collection Tank . Since, the whole works is being done on a contract basis for different companies and being processed in different production lines for the same month , there is a high fluctuation in quality and nature of effluent. Whenever antibiotic production is on , heavy forming is observed right from Collection Tank to Final Treated Water Tank. The treatments scheme before and after, our company took up the job is given in Figure 1 and Figure 2 respectively. The analysis of the raw effluent and final treated before application of Probiotic solution is given in Table 1. The analysis of the raw effluent and final treated water after application of Probiotic solution is given in Table 2. The list, quantity and cost of chemicals by the earlier consultant and cost analysis of Probiotic solutions are given in Table 3. The major advantages and the benefits derived after introduction of Probiotic solution is given in Table 4. Fresh Water Consumption in the Plant ' Water for injection Other process usages like Bottle Washing, Flow washing, Vessel washing etc Cooling tower make up Domestic usage Tray washing and Animal House Inter stage cooler of a compressor RO Plant rejection =35m 3 / day =68m 3 / day = 6m 3 / day = 30m 3 /day = 5m 3 / day =1m 3 / day The Effluent Treatment Plant is presently taking the \ following loads a) Process washing: including Equipment, Vessel, floor, Bottle washings b) Utilities -OM plant regeneration boiler blow down c ) Domestic Waste from Water closet d) Wastewater discharged to ETP RO reject water sent for Flush Tank and partly Garden = 30m 3 /day = 20m 3 /day = 115m 3 /day = 25m 3 /day PROOUC£0 I YAN AUTOOESK fOUCAn ONAL PROOUCT 6