CEE Jan-Mar 2012

S.K. Wali Chairman CMA Technical Committee 31 51 March 2012 MESSAGE It gives me immense pleasure to find that we are bringing out this issue of the Journal as a Special Issue to mark the Golden Jubilee of CMA's services to Cement Industry. Indeed, as one of the key activities of the CMA Technical Committee, it has been our endeavour to present through this Journal the various technological advances taking place the World over in the Cement Industry. With rapid growth, increased competitiveness and ever growing environmental consciousness, it has become imperative that the industry is regularly upda~ed in the areas of energy efficiency, raw material conservation, environmental control measures & standards besides the increasing emphasis on Sustainability and Green processes. CMA having completed its 50 years of service to Cement Industry is determined to continue its efforts towards information dissemination. The Journal has also been providing a platform to share developments and various experiences of the Industry. Information pertaining to the achievements in our plants, activities undertaken by them for improvements along with appreciation by the society need to be shared for an all-round development. Side by side, we also need to appraise our Members of the latest developments and happenings across the global cement industry. While conveying my best wishes to our entire team, the contributors, I take this opportunity to call upon the experts to keep on sharing their technological achievements from time to time, in years ahead. With best wishes . ~ (S.K. Wali) \ ..