CEE Jan-Mar 2012
Violations categorized for focus sectors • .'T'> -~ T~ TT Mining • Intersecting groundwater table • Not taking appropriate mitigative measures to prevent pollution of nearby water bodies • Non-installation of bag filters and water sprinkling system to check fugitive emissions • Carrying out beneficiation of ore without obtaining clearances • Carrying out blasting at night • Not concretizing roads or installing water sprinkling systems along the roads to check fugitive emissions Nuclear power • Not monitoring radioactive pollutants in the air and discharged water as per CPCB standards • Not treating the non-radioactive wastewater from the plant premises and reusing/recycling the treated effluent • Not managing the radioactive waste as per the standards • Not having disaster management and emergency preparedness plans in place • Not limiting the noise level below 75 decibels Thermal power • Non-installation of electrostatic precipitator to curb particulate emission • Not monitoring the ground level concentration of sulphur dioxide and mercury • Non-installation of dust suppression system in coal and ash handling areas to check fugitive emissions • Not monitoring groundwater around the ash pond area used for disposal offlyash • Not utilizing flyash in a time-bound manner • Withdrawing more water from a river than the stipulated requirement • Not controlling the temperature of hot water from the condenser before sending it to receiving surface water. Not-so-serious offences have been defined for each of the 26 sectors separately_ All the not-so-serious category conditions will become serious in case they are not complied with or rectified within six months. This will be assessed during successive bi-annual inspection reports by the state authorities_ For the mining sector, non– compliance with more than 40 per cent of all the clearance conditions has been categorized as not-so-serious offence. If a em1ss1ons. Fugitive em1ss1ons occur primarily due to poor handling of ores; they are often windblown_ At the same time, the guidelines categorize non– installation of two fugitive emission control devices, bag filters and water sprinkling system, as a serious offence. B Sengupta, former member– secretary of the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and head of the MoEF committee, gave reason for the categorization_ "Non installation of bag filters will have greater impact in terms of handling and storing of solid waste The committee has also given recommendations on actions that should be taken in case of violations_ These are similar to the existing ones. The Centre or state government may serve a show-cause notice under the Environment (Protection) Act (EPA) of 1986, irrespective of the nature of the offence. Further action will depend on the industry's response. Repeated failure to comply will be considered a Punishment for serious and not-so-serious offences Is similar to existing actions against violations project proponent does not concretize roads in mine lease areas or regularly sprinkles water on the roads, he will be termed a not-so-serious offender (see above box). The two conditions have been put in place to control fugitive air pollution _ But fugitive emissions, as a result of non– concretized roads, will be restricted to the plant area," he says. Similar clash exists on the categorization of parameters like serious violation . In case of immediate danger to public life and property, a closure order will be issued without issuing any notice. "Immediate danger could be not meeting the ambient air, water or toxic waste standards notified by CPCB," says 63
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