CEE Jan-Mar 2012

I , CEMENT MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION N.A. Viswanathan Secretary General MESSAGE April 05, 2012 Cement Manufacturers' Association has just completed its soth, Year ._in the service of the Industry. . . .. ' l: 2. In commemoration of this occasion, your Association is delighted to present this volume of Journal "Cement, Energy and Environment'' as ·a special1ssue in which we have endeavoured to include articles and write-ups from Tec~nical Experts of our Member Companies in addition to the usual inputs. · 3. As technology takes, rapid strides, for any industry to be competitive, it is essential that it keeps up with the trends globally, for even to stay at the same level, we need to:run faster so that we are not left behind. '' II · If J 4· In today's. context, ,¢e Cement II)._dustry is mor_e intensely faced with the dual challenge otgrowth on the .9,I).~ . hand, a,nd stricter norii;ts being imposed for energy efficiency, environment and climate prot~ct;ion, on the other. A pro-active Indian Cement Ill'Cfustry is legitimately"proud to have many''plants operating at par with the best in the wofld. Still there 'are others who are sparing no efforts in order not only to reach the benchmark but even raise the bar. We, therefore, accord adequate priority to acknowledge dissemination. s.• -·~ This Journal particwlarly aims at bridging the-technical information gap, that may exist amongst the Indian cement industry personnel, by providing a kaleidoscopic view of the related information as currently available, in whatever little way it can with your cooperation. Wishing you a happy reading, (N.A. Viswanathan)