CEE Jan-Mar 2012
• Utilities would benefit at two levels reduction of transmission and distribution losses and better utilization of distribution infrastructure developed under the Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana. • Pollution from field burning of biomass waste can be totally eliminated. Potential reduction of greenhouse gas em1ss1ons has been estimated at 24 mt of C0 2 equivalent. • Availability of power and clean cooking energy can significantly contribute to improving hygiene, education , etc. • In addition to agricultural waste, energy plantation offers bigger potential for biomass-based power generation, and consequently all the above benefits on a larger scale. Resource availability for power generation Key biomass sources include agricultural and agro– industrial waste , plantation and waste generated from habitations. The technology for energy generation from agro-industrial waste has been commerciall y established. Though current investments in the sector are focused on agricultural waste, there are opportunities for improving the efficiency of waste utiIization. The availability of surplus waste as fuel for power plants depends on: • Biomass yield and harvesting efficiency • Captive consumption • Competitive use by industries All unb... in kg/a<n 1,120 Nttbiomau colltetad HanesUn1 efllcle1ey tor '* stmr Input (SIInt +Seoclst 5,144 Elfidency by lndlrect method• 72'4 AI unils ;n in kglac:re 1,930 llelblooous colleded Harvesting efficiency is the ratio of the volume of biomass actually harvested as a percentage of the total availability in the field . This efficiency varies across locations due to factors like harvesting practices (manual versus mechanized) and economic returns. Collection efficiency, on the other hand, depends on time availability and resources for harvesting (preparing the field for the next crop). According to a recent study by DESL in Punjab, the harvesting efficiency of wheat straw varies from 30 per cent of mechanized processes to 60 per cent for manual methods. The manual harvesting efficiency for paddy straw is over 75 per cent. However, the collection efficiency of paddy straw is practically nil as against close to 90 per cent for wheat straw as almost the entire paddy straw is burnt in the fields. This is not only a loss of a precious resource, but also leads to ai r pollution-related issues. At the cu rrent levels of efficiency and the wheat straw demand for fodder, there is practically no surplus. However, field burning still takes place as the lower portion of the crop is not harvested . On the other hand, there is no captive demand for paddy straw and industrial demand is also negligible. Currently, agro residues like cotton and maize stalks; mustard residues; and agro– industrial residues like bagasse, rice husk and wood shavings are extensively used by industries and power plants. Due to demand pressure, prices of these fuels have increased sharply. A study conducted by DESL for the MNRE shows that several proj ects based on these fuels are facing sustainability issues due to fuel price pressure and non-remunerative tariffs. Technology for the use of paddy straw for power generation is under development and the first commissioned project in Punjab is going through the learninr, and troubleshooting process. In the short term, survival of existing plants and attracting new investment in the sector would depend on changes in regulatory policies, particularly with respect to tariffs and adjustment prir.ciples. In the long run , sustainability of the biomass-based power generation business would depend on the availability of quality waste. 56 - >
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