CEE Jan-Mar 2012

, CEMENT MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION CMA Tower, A-2E, Sector-24, Naida- 201301 (U.P.) M.A.M.R. MUTHIAH President MESSAGE Telephones: 0120-2411955 (Noida) 022-22049691 (Mumbai) I am pleased that the Cement Manufacturers' Association (CMA) is bringing out a Special Issue of the Quarterly Journal, "CEMENT, ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT' for the quarter Jan, March 2012 to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of CMA. CMA has been contributing its specialized advocacy support to the growth of the Indian Cement Industry in full measure through regular interactions with the Authorities on a plethora of issues. As the industry grows and imperatives of sustainable development unfold in larger dimensions, this Journal serves as the life line to facilitate necessary exchange of technical information amongst the Cement plant professionals in updating their knowledge base. I am happy to know that on this occasion, the Journal will focus on some special features, articles besides achievements of Member Cement Companies to meet the objective and also enhance the readership. I congratulate the CMA Team engaged in this special endeavour and wish them all success. jYl fl.{·~ .~ ' _j}C (M.A.M.R. Muthiah) Chennai 16th March 2012 Fax No.: 0120-2411956 (Noida), 022-220405 82 (Mumbai)