CEE Jan-Mar 2012

Indian cement industry. These technology papers will surely help to develop a roadmap for a low carbon footprint in the Indian cement industry. We thankfully acknowledge the cooperation provided by the Indian cement Industry and CSI members in particular during the preparation of technology papers." The India Roadmap will be developed collaboratively by the WBCSD's CSI and lEA following the same elaboratio~ process as the global Cement Technology Roadmap, developed in 2009. It will be led by CSI member companies in India which are: ACC Ltd Ambuja Cements, Heidelber~ Cement India Ltd, Lafarge India Private Ltd/CRH, Shree Cement Shree Digvijay Cement Co Ltd ~ Cimpor Group, Ultra Tech Cement and Zuari Cement. The lEA will bring expertise in data analysis and modelling, and Road development. Technical consultancy is being provided by the Cll and NCBM. The global Cement Technology Roadmap 2009 is available at; www. wbcsdcement.orq/technology Courtesy: Construction Industry Review, Jan. 23, 2012, P2. PM: GROWTH NOT AT COST OF ENVIRONMENT Underlining the principle of "equity" in climate talks, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Monday said growth should take place in a way which does not harm the environment. During his meeting with Environment Ministers of BASIC countries, that is Brazil, South Africa , India and China, Singh said the principle of equity - equal per capita rights to the atmospheric space - should be the goal of future negotiations on climate change, sources said. India had successfully brought the principle of equity back to the table as one of the country's key non-negotiable principle during Durban Climate talks which-were attended by environment minister Jayanthi Natarajim. Environment ministers of China, South Africa and Brazil informed the Prime Minister that the BASIC nations played a "constructive roll" in Durban and also commended the role played by Irdia in bringing equity back on global climate negotiation platform, the sources said. The two-day New Delhi meeting of the group will discuss a united strategy for the' group in the future negotiations on climate change and focus of the discussions would be the question of equity; they said . Ahead of his meeting with the environment ministers of BASIC countries, Prime Minister said on Twitter that "Economic growth is essential for the people , but we cannot allow growth to be pursued in a manner which damages our environment". Environment ministers of Singapore, Qatar and Swaziland will also attend a separate meeting of the BASIC Plus nations during the two-day summit. Qatar is the host of the United Nations-sponsored climate talks COP 18 in December 201 2. This is for the first time that environment ministers of the four emerging economies are meet– ing again after the December climate change meet in Durban. Courtesy: The Financial Express, February 14, 2012, New Delhi Clean Development Mechanism (COM) & Carbon Trading THE INVISIBLE HAND– INDUSTRY GETS WHAT IT WANTED ON COM When the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) delegates, led by SRF Ltd chairperson Arun Bharat Ram, met Indian environment and forests minister Jayanthi Natarajan in Durban their demand was unequivocal ~ continue Kyoto Protocol (KP) so that the billion-dollar Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) market can flourish . They had no other business in climate change-only cheap money. The Indian industry should be more than satisfied with the outcome at Durban. The conference agreed to the second commitment period of KP, continuation of emissions trading and project-based mechanisms to meet the emission reduction commitments of the Kyoto Parties. It also agreed to "define" a new market– based mechanism which would allow developed countries that are not party to KP-Iike the US, Canada, Russia and Japan-to meet part of their mitigation ta rgets by buying carbon credits from developing countries. The decision on the architecture of this new market-based mechanism, which will be built upon the existing flexibility in mechanisms like CDM, will be taken at COP18 in Qatar in 2012. COM made easy For all the fights between the developed and developing countries at Durban, the one issue which prooressed without any squabble was market mechanism. The Durban climate conference gave the go-ahead to all issues that were on the table on CDM. It has made the 32