CEE Jan-Mar 2012
the IPCC's 2010 report on climate extremes. Sweden's most prestigious daily newspaper, Svenske Dagbladet, filled almost an entire Sunday front page with an eviscerated body showing exposed arteries, with the warning, "Ever warmer climate threatens more death." Across two full pages inside, the paper presented a graph of seasonal deaths over the past decade, and indicated with alarming red spots how summer heat waves have killed dozens of Swedes. Yet, even a cursory reading of the graph showed clearly that many more people die from cold than from heat. The IPCC report did indeed state that global warming would mean more extreme warm temperatures, but it also pointed to fewer extreme cold temperatures. Because more people almost everywhere on the planet die each year from cold temperatures than from warm temperatures, the overall impact of global warming will be fewer deaths from temperature extremes. Indeed, according to one estimate, by mid-century, about 4 , 00,000 more people will die from heat than would have perished at current temperatures, but 1.8 million fewer people will die from cold. Unfortunately, non-deaths are a non-story. In November, The Christian Science Monitor focused on the IPCC's findings on hurricanes, the strength and frequency of which have been linked to global warming ever since AI Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth made media hay out of Hurricane Katrina. The Monitor's headline blared , Climate change warning: brace for hotter heat waves, stronger storms. Yet, while the IPCC suggests that hurricanes' maximum wind speeds will likely increase, it also says that the total number of tropical hurricanes may fall, and that extra-tropical hurricanes will likely decline in frequency, too. Hurricane-damage costs have increased steadily because more people, with more expensive property, now live where hurricanes strike. Population, exposure and vulnerabi lity, not greenhouse gasses, are the main factors underlying future damage as well . The IPCC says that increased hurricane costs 'have not been attributed to climate change'. Thus, if we want to avoid future hurricane damage, we need to invest in adaptation. That means better ri sk management, including stricter building codes and improved wetlands to slow storm surges. Evidence suggests global warming causes more rain , especially heavy rain. That has led many to blame global warming for devastating floods in recent years. But the IPCC tells a different story: the evidence cannot reliably indicate whether increased rainfall has affected the floods' magnitude and frequency. Many more changes have taken place: in particular, construction of dams and large settlements on floodplains has left rivers nowhere to flood naturally. If we want to help potential flood victims, the evidence clearly shows that we should restore floodplains. Increased precipitation also has positive consequences: more fresh water for a thirsty world . Today, about two billion people are water-stressed , i.e., that they make do on less than 1,700 cu m (60,035 cu ft) per year. With population growth, this number could increase to about three billion at the end of the century. More rain fall will likely bring to the actual number down to about 1.7 billion . Scary climate stories rely on a simple narrative: more C0 2 means more environmental damage and death, and the way to address is to cut carbon emissions. This makes a catchy political message, but it is wrong. Global warming will cause heat waves and hurricane wind speeds to become more extreme . Others, including cold waves and hurricane frequency, will become less so. In some cases, such as increasing rain, global warming will have positive and negative effects. None of this means that we should not address climate Change by focusing on innovation on green energy. The latest IPCC report is important because it illustrates the real problems posed by global warming, without exaggerating them for the sake of a good headline. It provides reliable climate information, and emphasizes that adaptation is essential to improving future generations' qual ity of life. It also shows why the latest failure to conclude a comprehensive climate agreement is not all bad news. When it comes to climate change, the media evidently do not like any other kind. Courtesy: The Economic Times, 19 1 h Dec. 2011, P14. TAIWAN CEMENT, ITRI IN JV FOR CARBON CAPTURE Taiwan Cement has entered into a joint venture agreement to commercialize the Industrial Technology Research Institute's carbon capture and storage technology. The move is meant to develop a system that slashed the massive cost of preventing 30
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