CEE Jan-Mar 2012

.. Climate Change & Global Warming EMISSIONS IMBALANCE • INDIA'S EMISSIONS AMONG THE LOWEST IN THE WORLD COP17 at Durban concluded with the adoption of Durban Platform that prepares the ground for adopting a new deal on climate change by 2015-applicable to all countries. Whatever be the legal form of this deal, countries such as India would be bound to commit to greenhouse gas emissions mitigation post 2020. India's emissions are among the lowest in the world relative to the emissions of the developed world and other emerging economies. But this aspect of India's em1ss1ons is rarely portrayed. A recent report by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency held India and China responsible for rise in global emissions in 2010. The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) analysed the report and found developed ~ountries , legally bound to reduce emissions, have not done so. 1: The rich hiding 18 ~ 16 . 1990 .2010 c: j 14 j 12 :.8 10 c: c 8 j ' til -~ 4 " 8.. 2 0 Ann•• I Ann•• I Ann•• I Non-fiT EIT Haven for rich countries Developed countries that have ratified the Kyoto Protocol (KP) remain on target to meet the KP objective of a 5.2 per cent reduction, the report said. II: Change in emissions in 2010 over the 2009level 15 ~ ~ "'' .. 0 .. ·10 Ill: Country-wise emissions in 2009·2010 10 • Emissions In 2010 • Emt»>ons in 2009 ~- .... IV: Change in per capita emissions in 2009·201 o 0.5 !f 0 v i ~.5 ~ · 1 c: 2 · 1.5 ~ 0 .. ~ 0 Ill C! <? 0 .., :::> 1 w ~ ·2 ·2.5 scuc. tor ~s~ tron1 ·Giobii C0 1 ~s from tos.str tutJ 1M MldCetnllllt fHO(I;XftOn ~ tqxl, t~1Dt0' The fact is the rich developed countries are hiding behind the collapsed economy of the erstwhile USSR and eastern European countries to meet their Kyoto targets (see: Graph 1). When the emissions of Annex I non-economies in transition (non-EIT) countries (rich developed), Annex I countries (EIT: erstwhile USSR and eastern Europe) and Annex I countries were compared, CSE found : x Annex I emissions in 2010 were 7.5 per cent below 1990 levels x Annex I EIT emissions in 2010 were 33.4 per cent below 1990 levels because of the collapse of erstwhil e USSR and eastern European countries x Annex I non-EIT emissions in 2010 were 1.7 per cent above 1990 levels x Canada's emissions in 2010 were 19.8 per cent above 1990 x Australia's emissions in 2010 were 45.9 per cent over1990 India blamed, US culprit Global emissions increased by 5.8 per cent in 2010 over 2009, the report said. It blamed India and China for emitting 9 per cent and 10 per cent greenhouse gases in 2010 over 21