CEE Jan-Mar 2012

I t and the number of belite crystals increased. For both specimens a few alite crystals were also detected. In order to characterize the alinite phase within the clinkers, energy dispersion spectrum (EDS) analysis was used and a typical analysis result is presented in Figure 6. As seen from that figure, the presence of Ca, Si , Mg, AI, and Cl elements reinforce the presence of the alinite phase. Conclusions 1. Alinite clinker was successfully synthesized with a burning temperature starting with 1050°C, up to 1200°C. characteristic XRD pattern of alinite phase was obtained. Due to the low free lime content, 1200°C was selected as the optimum burning temperature. 2. Alinite formation decreased gradually at temperatures above 1200°C whereas belinite was not observed. Burning at 1350 and 1450°C results in complete melting of the cl inker and lost the hydraulic properties. 3. Duration of burning did not change the mineralogical composition significantly. Keeping alinite clinker at maximum burning temperature for 60 and 90 min yielded similar results. Keeping alinite clinker at maximum burning temperature for 180 min for other than 60 min show growing crystals and more uniform structure. 4. In comparison with ordinary Portland clinker, alinite clinker has threefold benefit in terms of economy, ecology and sustai nability. First, Portland clinker is manufactured around 1450°C whereas the alinite clinker is obtained at 1200°C. The 250°C difference between burning temperatures gives the alinite cement its low energy characteristics. Considering the rotary kiln conditions and the amount of clinker to be burned , this reduction in burning temperature may give considerable energy savings in cement production. The second property of the alinite cement is that the raw meal of the clinker does not contain any limestone from quarry. In this study, alinite cement was produced from a raw mix including soda solid waste, clay and iron ore in minor amounts. Therefore, the use of natural limestone will be reduced resulting in saving the natural resources. Finally, CaO in the soda solid waste in both in the form of Ca(OH)2 and CaC0 3 , leading to less C0 2 emissions than using only limestone as the raw material. Acknowledgements This study was conducted by the TCMA R&D Institute under the research project 2010/03. The authors acknowledge the in-kind support provided by Soda Sanayii A. References 1. Benstend , J., Barnes, P. (editors), Structure and Performance of Cements, Elsevi er Science Pub. Co. 2nd Ed. , 1994. 2. Duda, Walter H., Cement Data Book, Vol. I, Bauverla~ , Wiesbaden Berlin, 3r Ed., 1985. 3. EN 196-1, Methods of Testing Cement - Part 1: Determination of Strength, 2009. 4. EN 196-2, Methods of Testing Cement-Part 2: Chemical Analysis of Cement, 2010. 5. EN 196-6, Methods of Testing Cement - Part 6: Determination of Fineness, 2000. 6. G r, N., Akta , Y., Civa , A. , Utilization of Solid Waste of Soda Ash Plant as a Mineral Additive in Cement, Cement and Concrete World 2010. 7. Hewlett Peter C., Lea's Chemistry of Cement and Concrete, 4 1 h Edition, Elsevier Science & Technology Books, 2004. 8. Kim, Young-Min et al. , Synthesis and Hydration Characteristics of Alinite Cement, J. Am. Ceramic Soc. 85, Korea , 2002. 9. Locher, F.V., Low EnergK Clinker, in Proceedings 8 h ICCC, Vol. I, Rio de Janerio, 1986 10. Noudelman, B.l., and Gadaev, A.l., Physico– chemical Aspects of the Crystallization of Chlorsilicates after Clinkerization at Lower Temperatures in Melted Salts, in Proceeding 8th ICCC, Vol.2, Rio de Janerio, 1986. 11 . Noudelman, B. et al., Structure and Properties of Alinite and Alinite Cement, in Proceedings th ICCC. Vol.3 , Pari s, 1980. 12. Odler, 1. , Special Inorganic Cements, Modern Concrete Technology, 2000. 13. Pradip, A., and Kapur, P.C. Production and Properties of Alinite Cements From Steel Plant Waste, Cement and Concrete Research 20, 1990. 19