CEE Jan-Mar 2012

(A) 752X biiyijtme (A) 752X mognt(icauM (A) 750X bUyU!me (A) 7SOX magnification (B) 1760X bUyi.itme (B) t760X mogruftemtOn (B) 1750X btiy(ttn'le (B; 1750X rr.av, mJicauon Ahnlt knstali I Altlllte crystal Ahnrt knslali I f.J11utc crystal +-------' Figure 4. SEM images of sample A1200- Figure 5. SEM images of sample A1200- 60 burned at 1200°C with 60 minutes 180 burned at 12000C with 180 minutes duration duration Mineralogical properties For groups starting with samples A1050-60 to A1200-90 crystal formations are similar. At temperatures above 1200°C belinite [Ca 8 Mg [(Si04)4CI2] was not observed and a relative reduction in alinite phase was observed as presented in Figure 3. Scanning electron microscopy analysis Two of the samples namely A1200-60 and A1200-180 were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The SEM images with three magnifications are provided in Figures 4 and 5. As seen in Figure 5, A1200-60 shows small crystals of alinite, belite and other phases, whereas in Figure 6A1200-180 shows relatively larger crystals. Therefore, it was concluded that as the burni ng duration increased, alinite crystals were grown In the XRD pattern of all clinker samples alinite phase [Ca1o Mgo.a [(Si04h4(AI04)o.s 0 2CI] was clearl y detected. A typical XRD pattern of AI050-60 is illustrated in Figure 2. Detected phases are; Alinite [Ca1oMgo.e[(Si04hA(A104)o.s0 2 ~-~--T- Cl], Belite [C 2S], Calcium AI uminochloride[C11A1CaCb], Ferrite [C 4AF]. Free Lime (CaO), Belinite [Ca 6 Mg[Si04)4CI2], Peri clase [MgO], Calcium Chloride Si licate Sulphate [Ca10(Si04h (S04)3CI2]. Calcium Iron Silicate [Ca 3 Fe2(Si04)3), and Alite [C 3 S). l---·--++-+---1 L-– --j- 2 • ~-V) Figure 6. EDS spectrum of altnite phase of sample sample A I 200-60 18 \.