CEE Jan-Mar 2012

• Measures for improvement in environment. With the physical observations of operating practices and analysis of measurement reports & records, measures are suggested to improve the environment. These measures include minimising the spi llages and leakages in the plant, reducing the dust emission and hazardous gas emission from stacks, material conveying equipment and their transfer poi nts, storages etc. • Lowering the production cost. Apart from the savings in the specific energy consumption , other possibilities to reduce the production cost are studied.A few examples of such measures include substitution of high cost raw materials by low cost raw ma~ri~s. product optimisation including increased use of pozzolona in PPC, production of high value products etc. 3. METHODOLOGY A comprehensive methodology of the process optimisation involves following activities: • Formulation of Team A dedicated team need to be formulated either in– house or an external consultant may be hired to ca rryout the Comprehensive technical audit. • Data collection This involves the collection of important details about the plant, major equipment/ machinery, available raw • • material s & fuels, sources of electrical power, operating parameters, product specifications, quality aspects, process flow sheet etc. Interaction with concerned team Operational and maintenance practices of each unit operation are discussed with concerned team. Discussions also include the prevailing problems and bottlenecks in respective areas. Detailed information about the problems may be gathered from equipment history sheets, operational log sheets etc. Field measurements Important operational parameters like electrical energy consumption, temperature pressure, flow rates and oxygen level etc. may be measured. It is important to ensure the accuracy of measurements by confirming the calibration status of the measurement instruments. • Calculations analysis & Based on measured parameters, the calculations are made and the values are analysed to identify the improvement potential. • Recommendations & Implementation On the basis of data collected, interaction with the plant team, observations, measurement of important parameters and their analysis etc., recommendations are made for improvements. Recommendations include upgradation of equipment and technology, if any. Further, the recommendations are categorised as 'with no investment', 'with nominal investment' and 'with major investment'. Recommendations formulated are implemented depending upon the priority stated and funds availability. 4. CASE STUDY Comprihencive Technical Audit of a cement plant having a dry process coal fired kiln with an RSP single string 5-stage suspension pre-heater system. 8