CEE Jan-Mar 2012

Energy management system established in accordance with EN 16001 or ISO 50001 standards, aims to reduce the use of natural resources, to increase energy efficiency, to provide environment friendly products or services with the reduced emissions, and to ensure compliance with existing and potential energy efficiency legislations and to satisfy the expectations of stakeholders. In the framework of plan, do, check and act (PDCA) cycle, both of these two management standards require from the organizations to define their objectives, targets and energy policy including the top management commitment, and to determine energy usage and variabilities. After performing all of these requirements, by controlling their activities related to energy, organizations will be able to identify the conditions that reduce or increase the energy consumptions. In this, way, organizations can reduce energy consumptions and be able to increase energy efficiency. EN16001 and ISO 50001 standards As it is seen in the table given, despite the similarities in the main clauses, when EN 16001 and ISO 50001 standards are analyzed in detail , there are several differences pointed out. 1. Scope 3. Terms and Definitions 5. Energy Management System Requirements When compared with other management standards, it can be stated that EN 16001 standard is similar to ISO 14001 , whereas ISO 50001 standard is similar to ISO 9001 . Starting from the comparison of terms and definitions of these two standards, it is observed that, in addition to the terms and definitions given in EN 16001 , different terms and definitions such as boundaries, scope, energy baseline , energy management team, energy review, significant energy use terms and definitions are added in ISO 50001 . Also, in addition to EN 16001 standard , under the management responsibility clause, responsibilities of top management and management representative are explained in detail. Moreover, clauses given below, which give details on energy management systems, are also included in ISO 50001 . Council for Quality and Environment, that aims to provide best services for its customers, have completed all the necessary works and started to certification. Courtesy: Cement and Concrete World (T9MB), July-Aug. 2011 , Pp 33-35. ACC LAUNCHES COASTAL PLUS ACC Ltd has launched 'Costal Plus ,' a specialized 2. Scope 4. Normative References 6. Terms and Definitions 7. Energy Management System Requirements cement, which gives high early strength and enhances the durability to the structure. The cement resists corrosion, which is a major problem in the coastal region. Coastal Plus is specially packed using imported material that would not absorb moisture. It's priced slightly higher than the OPC cement. On the higher cost of the product, Vivek Chawla, CEO (East), ACC Ltd, said a number of costly additives go into the product and therefore the slightly higher cost was inevitable and was justified in view of the benefits. Courtesy: Konstruction Review, Nov. 14, 2011, P12. CEMEX LAUNCHES RAPID DRY CEMENT IN SPAIN Cemex has launched rapid drying cement in Spain. Rapid mix cement is gray, and can achieve maximum initia l resistance at half time than traditional cements . While the cements of the same class CEM I 52 .5 R are required to achieve a minimum initial resistance to compression of 30 MPs (megapascals) at 48 hours from the time of mixing, the cement exceeds this specification within 24 hours ensures superior strength to 40 MPa at 48 hours. Courtesy: Konstruction Review, Nov. 14, 2011, P10. [ Plant & Machinery ___, TGEG TO HELP PHILIPPINES WITH RDF MACHINES The Philippines is looming with garbage problems due to inadequate recycling and the lack of landfill space. To tide over this problem True Green Energy Group (TGEG) plans to help the Philippines acquire RDF waste converter machines worth $240 million. TGEG and PACIFICTECH are helping the 6