CEE Jan-Mar 2012

t CONCRETE SHOW INDIA.2012 23-25 FEBRUARY 2012- MUMBAI Concrete Show Ind ia 2012 was organized by UBM India Pvt. Ltd. in partnership with UBM SIENNA on 23-25 February 2012 in Mumbai. C.oinciding with the Concrete Show, Two-day Conference on Concrete was organized by UBM India Pvt. Ltd. and Indian Concrete Institute (ICI) on 23rd and 24th. Cement Manufacturers' Association (CMA) and Ready Mixed Concrete Manufacturers' Association (RMCMA) were supportive Associations. From CMA, S/Shri N.A. Viswanathan, Secretary General, S.V. Joshi, Joint Secretary and N.K. Pande, Sr. Deputy Secretary attended the Concrete Show. ~ The Concrete Show was inaugurated by Chief Guest Shrl C. Kandasamy, Director General (Road Development) and Special Secretary to Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. In the Inaugural Speech, the Director General (Road Development), MoRTH stressed the need for industry participation in infrastructure development so that it becomes 'self financing'. (CNCIITt tlliA2012 Shrl N.A. Viswanathan, Secretary General, CMA making Presentation at Concrete Show There were 7 Technical Sessions in the Concrete Show. Shri N.A Viswanathan, Secretary General, CMA made presentation on " Emerging Trends in the Cement industry" in the Session 2 : Cement and Mineral Additives. Over 150 exhibitors took part in the Exhibition from all over the globe including Germany, China, Italy, Colombia and the USA. CMA Officials explaining queries raised by Visitors at CMA Stall From Cement Industry UltraTech Cement Ltd. , Lafarge India Pvt. Ltd., Heidelberg Cement India Ltd. participated in the Exhibttion. CMA put up a Stall. More than 200 participants visited CMA Stall during the 3 days of Exhibition. URBAN INFRA WORLD EXPO 2012 19-21 MARCH 2012 AT MUMBAI liii!WSJ llffiCaAI1D fVINI' ~ ADD 'NG 1111 ~- -sT'IUC'lu. srcroe Contwence on Jnfrasttuct e in lnd•o Mctrch It 70101'1,MV"nbot Second from the Left : Shrl Ashok V. Bhardwaj, Director Marketing, JSW /spat Steel Ltd. (Session Chairman). To his left Shri N.A. Vlswanathan, Secretary General, CMA and Shrl Parvez Umr/gar, Managing Director & CEO, We/spun INfratech Ltd. To his Right : Shrl R.N. Dandekar, Additional Director General (WR), Central Public Works Department Shri Suresh Prabhu, Ex Union Minister of Power, Chemicals & Fertilizers, Environment & Forests Inaugurated the Expo 2012. In the Inaugural Address, the Chief Guest, inter alia, pointed out that there is a huge challenge and great opportunity to develop our Infrastructure support which should be of global standards. There is an ample opportunity for private sector participation in such development. The Chief Guest, Shrl Prabhu released the Exhibitors' Directory and Jasubhai Group with the support of CHEMTECH Foundation organized the Urban Infra World Expo 2012 between 19-21 March 2012 at Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregaon, Mumbai. The Organisers requested for support to the Expo 2012 and Cement Manufacturers' Association (CMA) acceded to. Coinciding with the above Event, Two-day International Conference - Theme "Infrastructure In India : Building Prosperity to Posterity" was organized on 191h and 201h March 2012. From CMA, S/Shri N.A. Viswanathan, Secretary General, S.V. Joshi, Joint Secretary and N.S. Pawar, Assistant Secretary attended the Expo 2012. Compendium. u In the Two-day Conference there were 5 Technical Sessions. Shrl N.A Vlswanathan, Secretary General, CMA made detailed· and comprehensive presentation on "Emerging Trends In the Cement Industry - Integral Part of Infrastructure" in the Session I : Infrastructure Planning Beyond 2012. Over 40 exhibitors took part in the Exhibition. Shrl N.A. Vlswanathan, Secretary General CMA receiving memento from Session Chairman Shrl Ashok V. Bhardwaj, Director Marketing, JSW /spat Steel Ltd.