CEE Jan-Mar 2012

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The contents of this Special Issue of"CEMENT, ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT" have been enriched by the advice and conceptual clarity continuously provided by the esteemed Members of the CMA Technical Committee in commemoration of the Golden Jubilee Year of CMA. This has also enabled us to get articles of topical interest and relevance on Energy Cost reduction, Alternative Fuels Use, etc. that are published in this issue. We hope this would generate interest in the readers, and also encourage them to share their experiences and plant achievements through subsequent issues of this internal journal. We are also greatly moved and inspired by the valuable messages received on the occasion from the Torch-Bearers ofthe Association. 21St Century ·is acclaimed as the era of Knowledge Management, for which acquisition, sharing and application of knowledge becomes immensely important towards value addition in a ll our activities. With your whole– hearted co-operation and best wishes, we are confident that this point will be reinforced more and more aggressively in the years to come. K K Roy Chowdhury Technical Officer For the Editorial Team •