CEE Jan-Mar 2012

EDITORIAL BOARD Cement, Energy and Environment DR. S.K. HANDOO Advisor (Technical) I; MESSAGE 2nd May 2012 It is a matter of satisfaction to find that this Journal which started its journey with a very modest scope to meet the diverse technological needs of the Indian Cement Industry has now completed 16 years of publication with ever growing and expanding readership. It is only apt that CMA having just completed 50 years of its service to cement industry has decided to bring out this Special Issue of the Journal. Over the years it has become an important organ of sharing the technical knowledge and has established itself as an excellent interface between the indus.try and the technology providers worldwide. While Cement industry as one of the energy intensive sectors has been voluntarily taking all necessary steps towards conservation of Energy, the implementation of the BEE's PAT Scheme (for enhanced energy efficiency) notified recently has set a new benchmark, not only to achieve the mandatory targets but also exceed the same to have enough room to trade through 'Escerts'. With global warming and climate change holding the centre-stage, the emphasis on stricter environmental measures has become much stronger, and all out efforts are made towards Green Movement. In order to ensure the adoption of best available technologies , equipment, methodologies, timely information dissemination on the various developments taking place across the globe, the role of such a Journal covering a wide range of technological issues and emerging topics of concern has become all the more important. With a whole-hearted co-operation of the Member Cor11panies, and the Members of the Technical Committee, and the Editorial Team we have been making all out efforts to further expand the horizon of this Journal and we are hopeful in years ahead, th is Journal shall further percolate into the industry with ever increasing updates. Wh ile wishing the Journal and particularly this issue all the success, your Editorial Board looks forward to its achieving the milestones ahead. (Dr. S.K. Handoo)