CEE Jan-Mar 2012

Ashwani Pahuja DIRECTOR GENERAL National Council for Cement and Building Mah (Under Administrative Control of Ministry of Commorce & Industry. Government c 34 Km Stone. Delhi · Mathura Road. Ballabgarh · 121 004 Ha Phone:(0129l2242525 Fax 91·129·2245968 E· mail 'dg@ncbtndta.com : nccbm@ncbindia.com ; Website .www.ncbind (ISO 9001 : 2008 Certified) MESSAGE I am happy to learn that Cement Manufacturers' Association (CMA) is bringing out a Special Issue of their Journal 'Cement, Energy and Environment ' to commemorate CMA' Golden Jubilee. The Indian cement industry has acquired the position of second largest cement producer in the world. Substantial technological improvements have been brought in and today, the industry can be legitimately proud of its state-of-the art technology incorporated in most of its cement plants. The industry has achieved spectacular results in terms of energy conservation and environmental improvements. It is important that the industry continues to adopt pragmatic and well considered strategy that would continue to further improving productivity including energy, environment and quality standards; and cutting costs. Towards this en~, CMA through its journal 'Cement, Energy and Environment' has been disseminating quality information to the industry and as such serving the needs for creating awareness in various areas of operations of the cement industry. 1 compliment CMA for providing the industry such useful information periodically and wish the Journal all success. Ashwani Pahuja Director General-NCB