CEE Jan-Mar 2012

L.RAJASEKAR CHAIRMAN, CMA Environment Task Force MESSAGE May 2, 2012 I am glad to know that the Cement Manufacturers' Association is bringing out a Special Issue of CMA Journal "Cement, Energy and Environment" to commemorate the Golden Jubilee celebration of the Industry Association. This internal Journal has been communicating the Technological changes taking place in the Cement Industry to its member Companies. This has also been the channel for sharing with its members the discussions with Central Pollution Control Board and MoEF on evolving emission standards and its impact on the Cement Industry. Looking back at the achievement of Indian Cement Industry in productivity, energy efficiency and emissions, we can see the quantum improvement in the last 50 years which would not have been possible without the CMA and its Technical Journal. On this occasion I convey my best wishes to all the contributors and the entire editorial team of CMA for their sustained efforts on communicating and sharing the technical knowledge within the member companies. With BestWishes . (L. Rajasekar}