Cement Manufacturers Association
14 Initial draft Storyboard preparation based on Safety standards and guidelines at Corporate level 2nd level proofing at Cluster level and provision of feedback Feedback inclusion and Final version VR modules storyboard sharing with developer Final version of VR modules released by Corporate Effectiveness feedback from the user and appropriateness feedback from the line manager Road Map The project started in the FY 2022-23 i.e. April’22 and the timeline to complete all 30 modules was Feb’23. On time, development of all these 30 identified modules was done and, simultaneously, training was initiated from the month of May’22 across UltraTech in all units. Results VR modules’ training approach has given our workers a greater understanding of safety risks. It is a matter of immense satisfaction that we made significant progress in creating an enriched employee experience and promoting new digital technology risk-based VR modules. We are training our workers in new- age skills and technologies that they require to be a part of the workforce of tomorrow. Significant improvement in positive behavior of the workmen observed post this VR module training and they prefer this method as they are learning by doing it. The quantitative results are as follows: More than 14000 workers have been trained and evaluated on these 30 different modules These efforts significantly brought down incidents • Lost time injuries (LTIs) reduced to 50% • Fatal Potential element LTI injuries reduced 37% LTIFR (Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate) reduced to 45% Success Story of Plants It is equally true that an incident-free workplace is built and reinforced by its competent & skilled workforce including frontline workers, peers and teammates. Individual contributors with safe work create a huge impact within their own spheres of influence. Many units have done several things to achieve maximum numbers of trained workers on these VR modules, even during the early implementation phase. Rajashree Cements Limited, Dhar Cements Limited and Aditya Cements Limited units of UltraTech took the lead in VR modules delivery at the workplace. 1305, 1208 and 1161 worker’s sessions were conducted at Rajashree, Dhar and Aditya consecutively. This change in training method was unique and dynamic, which involved moving or transforming from something familiar to something new. It affected multiple practices or aspects of the existing training program method wherein focus on individual trainees is required instead of the whole class. The risk-based module eliminated the trainer requirement, virtual workplace hazards & risk interaction by a trainee in a safe place and, at the same time, the trainee assessed his understanding by responding to VR modules digitally asked questions. There were many reasons for the successful implementation of this training method in the aforesaid units. Some of these include: Identification of key stakeholders of this project at unit level Assessment of the degree to which these stakeholders perceive the issue Assessment of willingness of leadership from different departments to support the change process over a period of time i.e. allow workers for training and trainers to support Identification of the line team responsible for the oversight of necessary aspects of this process over time Multiple engagement sessions to share the benefits of this new changed training process, understand their needs/ concerns and appropriate potential solutions identification. This change in training process was understood & accepted by all the stakeholders due to early implementation of the above-mentioned steps and organized essential activities which were needed to move the concept into reality. VR Modules Content Reflection UltraTech Cement Limited (UTCL) ensured that the perspectives of key stakeholders from every level of the organisation were included as a part of
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