CEE April-June 2012

) ' CMA Activities on the Technical Front CMA - CSI Collaboration Under the ongoing co-operation between CMA & CSI (Geneva based Cement Sustainability Initiative), CSI has sent a write-up on the CSI Global Sustainability Program, the CSI Chapter, CSI's sustainability activities, CSI in India, Low carbon growth for India's cement industry, driving improved safety in the Indian cement industry, and working with CMA, for publication in CMA Journal. As a Communication Partner, this write-up is published in th is issue of 'Cement, Energy & Environment'. Launch of PAT Implementation Scheme Subsequent to the Notification on Implementation of PAT Scheme issued by the Ministry of the Power on 30th March 2012 in consultation with BEE, alongwith PAT Rules 2012 that were ea rli er circulated to the Members, the PAT Programme of NMEEE was inaugurated by the Hon'ble Union Minister of Power, Shri Sushilkumar Shinde, in New Delhi on 4th July 2012. A user-friendly portal, www.beenet.gov.in was also launched on the occasion to facilitate online sharing of information between BEE and individual DC's, for which each DC is provided with a username and password. In the technical session conducted by BEE experts, Important Timel ines as mandatory in compliance with the implementation of the PAT Scheme were also highlighted , as given below: • Submission of Form 1: Once in a year by 30th June. • Submission of Form A: Once in 3 years by 30th June 2015. (Performance Assessment Document) • Submission of Form B: Once in 3 years by 30th June 2015. (Verification by DENA) • Issuance of ESCerts: Once in a year by August 2015. • Submission of Form D: Once in 3 years by 30th November 2015. (Performance compliance Document) While the BEE constituted Sectoral Committees will address issues related to Methodology & Targets, a Sub-Committee for Normalization formed for the purpose will be engaged in working out various normalizing factors with respect to changes in Capacity utilization, Relation of Grid to Captive Power, Raw Material Quality, Product Mix etc. CMA has duly informed the Members about the outcome of the above PAT Function of BEE on 4th July 2012, and also urged them to communicate thei r views/comments in respect of normalization etc. , so that any specific issue of the cement industry on implementation of the PAT Scheme could be placed timely before the Normalization Committee for necessary redressal. Initiatives for Increasing Thermal Substitution Rate (TSR) in Indian Cement Industry Institute for Industrial Productivity {liP), a Washington D.C. ba:.;ed non-profit organization, with the mission to help industry develop and implement policies that will reduce GHG em1ss1ons. approached CMA for taking initiatives towards increasing Alternati ve Fuels & Raw Materials (AFR) usage in cement industry. Accordingly, liP proposed to fund a joint study by CMA, Holtec, along with an independent consultant. CMA welcomed the idea. Afte r a series of technical deli berations, the proposal has been firmed up and the same has also been approved in principle in the 53rd Technical Committee Meeting of CMA held in Bengaluru on 6th July 2012. Broad Terms of Reference have been worked out and further modalities are being looked into to proceed ahead for finalization . MoEF Notifications- Applicability to Cement Industry The Technical Committee of CMA in its 52"d Meeting held in Hyderabad on 6th April 2012 noted a presentation made by its Environmental Task Force Member, Dr K V Reddy on all the Circulars issued by the MoEF during the period : 28th October 2004 to 20th March 2012 and applicability thereof to the Cement industry. The document prepared in this regard was also ci rculated subsequently by CMA to its Members. 63