CEE April-June 2012

working to adapt a tool for assessing water risk at operation locations. Concrete recycling (www.wbcsdcement.org/ recycling): Report published to arouse awareness on concrete recycling potential. Concrete sustainability (www. wbcsdcement. erg/concrete): Recently-started work in exploring the role of cement in sustainabl e construction . Suoolv chain management: While there is currently no defined structure to assess supply chain commitments and performance in bringing positive change in sustainability across the supply chain, the CSI is working to provide the necessary frameworks, reporting and measurement procedures to accelerate the development of sustainable good practice through the entire supply chain. On all areas, the CSI aims to develop transparent and commonly agreed methodologies, supported by practical tools and materials, which, together, help individual companies and the cement sector as a whole add value to sustainability solutions. The CSI has just launched its 2012 Progress Report (csiprogress2012.org ). This document provides a snapshot of CSI's achievements over the past ten years, as well as an outlook onto the future issues the cement industry will need to tackle, and how the CSI and its member companies are planning to respond to changing and new sustainability challenges. CSI in India Members CSI members who operate in India are: ACC Ltd, Ambuja Cements, HeidelbergCement India Ltd, Lafarge India Private Ltd , My Home Industries Ltd I CRH, Shree Cement, Shree Digvijay Cement Co Ltd - Cimpor Group, UltraTech Cement and Zuari Cement-ltalcementi Group. These companies cover approximately 60% of national cement production , and have been closely collaborati ng in India since 2010. Other interested companies should contact CSI. Low carbon growth for India's cement industry The companies are developing a Low Carbon Technology Roadmap for the Indian Cement Industry, for which Cll and NCBM are providing technical expertise, and which is part-funded by the International Finance Corporation (IFC). The International Energy Agency (lEA) in France is modeling data collected on the industry's energy performance and emission. An assessment of this, and the technologies which can contribute to emissions reductions, will help the industry and its stakeholders understand the potential C0 2 reductions from Indian cement manufacturers by 2050. The roadmap is expected to be launched in October 2012. A set of technical papers outlining all technologies available to the cement industry now or potentially in the future (authored by Cll and NCBM) accompanies the roadmap and can be found on CSI's website from July 2012 onwards. Driving improved safety in the industry The companies are collaborating on safety issues, aiming to reduce fatalities and accidents among driver and transporter communities across India. CSI has run several state dialogues with transporters operating in their plants, to outline the safety measures CSI companies have in place at their plants, and collectively encourage transporter companies to adopt the same. Interested companies wishing to join these dialogues and share good practices on driving safety should contact CSI. Working with CMA CMA has recently become a CSI Communications Partner (15 partners in total covering different geographical regions globally) and is providing input into CSI's Low Carbon Technology Roadmap project in India. The two organizations will work in hand to move forward the agenda of sustainable development in the cement industry in India via bilateral communications, and sharing of practical tools and knowledge. CMA will publish information on CSI's activities in India and globally in future editions of 'Cement, Energy and Environment' and 'Cement'. For more information on the CSI, see www.wbcsdcement.org or contact WBCSD India Coordinator: Caroline Twigg, twigg@wbcsd.org / 958 294 5539. 62