CEE April-June 2012

• Reclassification of urban road system considering influence of spatia-temporal growth segments on their functional performance in terms of geometry, access control and traffic volume • Mix traffic flow study on multilane urban arterials to understand complex headway and lane section behaviour • Development of traffic flow behaviour models for variety of midblock sections based on macroscopic observations and microscopic validations • Establishing methodology for capacity estimation of road link, corridor and a network for prevailing activity pattern. • Specification of level of service thresholds/ criteria under different roadway, traffic, control and environmental conditions. • Developing methodology for design of uncontrolled at grade intersections of various configurations and flow combinations • Developing approach for design of signalized isolated, corridor and area wide intersections and its dynamic control • Assessing effect of advanced traveller information on travel time and route choice selection for the given activity pattern • Evaluating improvement in utilization of transport infrastructure by provision of real time traffic information • Developing guidelines for segregation of vehicular traffic viz. Two wheelers and others on high volume corridors for achieving higher capacity and operational efficiency • Study and analysis of pedestraian flow behaviour under diverse situations with respect to land use, age and trip purpose • Evolving standards for 'passenger carrying capacity' along with the 'Vehicular carrying capacity' of urban corridors for ensuring equitable use of road space • Developing guidelines for design of pedestrian and bicycle faciliti es integrated to public transport based on the principles of inclusive mobility and universal accessibility. Closing remarks The traffic and transportation planning in Indian cities is being handled in implicit manner as a part of urban planning exercise. The approach to address traffic and transportation issues in cities has been quite remedial and local in absence of well established guidelines and design manuals based on indigenous research . This has created unfulfilled gap between demand for transport facilities and the provision of supply by the local governments; eventually degrading the overall quality of urban travel and suboptimal use of existing traffic facilities. The National Urban Transport Policy (2006) as well as Sustainable Transport Initiative by ADB have laid down their priorities and objectives in a right perspective consideri ng prevalent urban transport condition. India is poised to be global economic power in next two decades and therefore needs to strengthen the urban transport systems very carefully considering prevalent complex traffic scenario due to myopic urbanization. Indigenous research efforts are essential to evolve methodologies for designing, planning, operating and upgrading the transport facilities to sustain the growth in future in truly sustainable manner. Courtesy: SOUVENIR, National Get-together on Road Research and its Utilization, March 1-2, 2012, New Delhi, Pp 89 - 91, Organized by CRRI, Delhi– Mathura Road, New Delhi - 110 025. 'INTEGRATE SUSTAINABILITY IN THE VALUE CHAIN' The opinion of Peter Bakker, president of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, more than counts. The council provides a forum to its 200 member companies - who represent all business sectors, all continents and combined revenue of over $7 trillion - to share best practices on sustainable development issues and to develop innovative tools that change the status quo. ''The companies have a unique opportunity and an extra incentive today to integrate sustainability in their value chain," he tells Kiran Yadav. What should be the approach to make businesses more inclusive? There are two important things. First, the governments have a key role to play in establishing frameworks and policies that will support this change. Second, with their unique skills, innovation and resources, companies are best placed to develop solutions and lead change. That's why the work of WBCSD and its progressive members is so important. Companies are powerful tools to help resolve the big challenges of our times and help shape more inclusive markets. I see a Green Race emerging among companies se1zmg the opportunities. This will lead to new products and services that can help make the transition to a more 59