CEE April-June 2012

site." According to Dirk Van Moer, because of these cost reductions, he believes that a return on investment (ROI) of 5 years is realistic, which is very good for a machine which is not used daily. This client customized Giove CC, which is painted in the company fleet colours, weighs 62 t of which the crushing unit weighs 19 t. With Van Moer the Giove CC produces 130 Vh at CSS 45- 46 mm. Of this amount, there are ± 100 t COPRO approved crushed aggregate of 0 - 40 mm and ± 30 t natural fines of 0 - 15 mm. The fuel consumption of the Cummins engine at 1850 rpm is 0.20 1/t produced . www.keestrack.com Courtesy: ATMineral Processing English Edition 1-2012, Vol.53, P26. India Country Profile CARBON TAX FAILS TO SLOW COAL BOOM The impending carbon price has done nothing to deter investment in the coal industry, with spending on exploration surging faster than any other mineral commodity. Coal exploration spending in Australia leapt by 62 per cent last financial year as the industry dominated corporate activity in terms of both inbound investment and mergers and acquisitions. Investment in searches for new coal deposits reached $520 million, pushing it closer to rivalling iron ore and gold - both of which also grew significantly on the back of record high commodity prices. The data, published by government agency Geoscience Australia, undermines Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's claim that the carbon tax would be death of the coal industry. Conversely, the extraordinary continuing growth in demand for coal for electricity and steel production in Asia challenges Prime Minister Julia Gillard's assertion the world is moving to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Nearly $3 billion was spend on mineral exploration in Australia in 2010 -11 -more than half of it in Western Australia. Victoria was the only state where investment fell. Nearly a fifth of the total exploration expenditure was on coal. Spending on iron ore and gold exploration grew at a slower pace - by 27 and 13 per cent respectively, to reach $665 million and $652 million. The growth in coal sector exploration coincided with it being easily the most active part of the Australian marketplace for mergers and acquisitions. One recent estimate put the combined value of last year's corporate deals over coal at $25 billion . In a separate report released earlier this month, Ernst & Young's Paul Murphy said coal dominated inbound investment in 2011 , attracting $US11 .3 billion from overseas compared with $US8.2 billion for all other commodities combined. The coal exploration boom continued into the 2011 September quarter, when it reached a record $227 million -167 per cent higher than for the same period in 2010. Resources and Energy Minister Martin Ferguson said the 2010 - 11 exploration figures were good news and reflected the continuing strength of the mining industry. Australian Coal Association chief executive Nikki Williams agreed the strong growth in exploration was "very encouraging". "Exploration is critical to create a pipeline that will enhance Australia's reputation as an attractive investment destination," she said. "The investment also highlights the enormous potential benefits ·· ...,t are available to the Australian economy th, .Jgh royalties, jobs and export revenue." But the Australian Conservation Foundation said it showed that, while the introduction of a carbon price was a step towards reducing Australia's domestic emissions, the government supported the country increasing its contribution to global climate change through boosted coal exports. Conservation Foundation climate campaigner Clair Maries said much more needed to be done to move Australia away from a pollution-dependent economy. "The government should r0move subsidies the mining industry takes from the public purse like special exemptions for exploration, accelerated depreciation for investors and senseless concessions for fuel use," she said. Courtesy: FIMI (The Federation of Indian Mineral Industries) News Bulletin, March 1, 2012, Pp20 - 21. International Country Profile IRAQ POWER SHORTAGE COSTING CEMENT FIRM BILLIONS The Director-General for cement plants in the Ministry of Industry Kurdistan Nasser Madani says that the lack of electricity needed to run cement plant of Kirkuk has caused a loss of 13 billion dinars a year. According to the official, the cement plant in Kirkuk needs 15 MW electricity in order to function at full capacity. He added that a formal request has been directed to the Department of Kirkuk to enter into contracts with electricity companies in the Kurdistan Region to provide the plant with electricity. It is noteworthy that the cement plant of Kirkuk is one of the largest in Iraq, with a capacity of up to 6,000 tonnes per day, but the lack of electricity means the plant output is reduced to less than 1,000 tonnes per day. Courtesy: Construction Industry Review, Apn1 30, 2012, P11. 55