CEE April-June 2012

Power plants with fly ash utilization of 100 per cent and above Plant Utility Fty a~h utilization (%) --------------------------------------- Sabarmati Torrent Power 100.00 Mettur TANGEDCO 145.19 Budge Budge CESC 100.00 Generating Station Southern Generating CESC 100.00 Station Titagarh Generating CESC 100.00 Station North Chennai TANGEDCO 100.29 Sural Lignite GIPCL 100.00 Akrimota GMDCL 108.15 Kutch Lignite GSECL 100.00 Muzaffarpur KBUNL 913.69 Durgapur DVC 164.68 Bandel WBPDCL 125.68 Talcher NTPC 100.00 TANGEDCO: Tamil Nadu Electricity Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited, GIPCL: Gujarat Industries Power Company Umited, GMDCL: Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation Limited, GSECL: Gujarat State Bectricity Corporation Limited, KBUNL: Kanli Bijlee Utpadan Nigam Umited, DVC: Damodar Valley Corporation, WBPDCL: West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited. Source: CEA The major segments in which fly ash has been utilized include cement, land reclamation, roads and embankments, mine filling brick and tiles, and agriculture. These sectors together consumed 73 .13 million tonnes per annum of fly ash during 2010-11 . The cement sector had the highest share (48 per cent) among other modes of ash utilization. Fly ash is being used by the cement industry for manufacturing Portland Pozzolana cement. Ash utilization in the cement sector increased from 2.45 mt in 1998-99 to 35.47 mt 2010-11. Even as this industry has taken the lead in ash utilization, other demand sectors are gradually picking up. Fly ash is being increasingly used for land reclamation in low-lying areas. This has advantages of improving the quality of land and increasing the scope of land application. In 2010-11,9.31 mt of fly ash was used for land reclamation in low-lying areas as compared to 4.17 mt in 1998-99. Reclamation options are also found in mine filling. This has significant potential in India, where open-cast mining is the predominant mode of mining . It is particularly beneficial for coal mines because of advantages such as neutralization of acid-forming materials, barriers to acid-forming materials, barriers to acid mine drainage, subsidence control in underground mines and soil construction and pit filling to reach the approximate original contour in surface mines. Also, the construction industry has found significant application of fly ash. This includes us in manufacturing basic building materials (bricks, blocks, tiles, etc.) as well as in projects such as roads and embankments. In several cases, the use of fly ash has resulted in 15-20 per cent savings in total project costs. Another potential area of application is agriculture, where fly ash is being used for its micronutrients. While only 1.27 mt of fly ash was used in agriculture in 2010-11 , utilization is likely to increase in the future. Recommendations There is wide scope for diversifying the use of fly ash. It should not be concentrated or restricted to the cement sector, as has been the case with select generation companies. It is important to encourage ash utilization in the construction sector. The use of fly ash in road construction has been increasing. A further impetus could be provided by sensitizing associated agencies such as the National Highways Authority of India, Central Public Works Department and the state public works departments. Also, there is significant potential for using fly ash in constructing embankments for laying railway lines. The renovation and modernization (R&M) of coal-fired power stations has to incorporate appropri ate technological means to enable improved fly ash utilization. This includes facilities for dry ash collection, storage and disposal. R&M plans should also take into account the development of ash– based industries, and making available ash and related products in the plant's vicinity. Also, various power stations have scope for utilizing fly ash or ash-based products internally through construction works for ash dykes, access roads and buildings. There is a need to create awareness among the state government as well as district-level authorities about fly ash utilization and its benefits, particularly about its use in building materials as well as construction works of government buildings and other Infrastructure projects. Policy initiatives in this direction could include fiscal incentives, direct intervention and recognizing specific efforts. Courtesy: Power Une, May 2012, Pp31-32. UNEP CHAMPIONS OF THE EARTH AWARD 2011 Policy leadership President Felipe Calderon, Mexico President Calderon has been a strong voice for the environment on the world stage since his election in 2006. He has been praised for his stewardship of international climate change negotiations most recently as host of the UN Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico, last year. The Cancun talks resulted in several new 48