CEE April-June 2012

main baghouse fans to achieve greater efficiency and to reduce power consumption. Further, KCW Specific electrical energy consumption (kWh per tonne of cement) - ---- --- -------------- Company 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 is increasingly using clinker Kalyanpur Cements Limited 95.52 90.18 78.38 substitute in Portland Pozzolana Kotputli Cement Works 109.04 92.85 cement for reducing energy J K Lakshmi Cement Limited 80.25 80.66 80.55 consumption and process 1------ --------------------l emissions. Going forward, the Source: Bureau of Energy Efficiency company aims to upgrade its processes with energy efficient and eco-friendly technologies. JK Lakshmi Cement Limited, Sirohi , Rajasthan JK Lakshmi Cement Limited (JKLC) is a part of the JK Organization, one of the largest private industry groups in India. JKLC has a manufacturing plant at Jaykaypuram in Sirohi district, Rajasthan, with an installed capacity of 4.2 Mtpa. The company has been undertaking energy efficiency initiatives to The implementation of energy conservation measures can help cement manufacturers reap dual benefits in the form of enhanced operational efficiency as well as reduction in energy costs. ensure optimal utilization of resources as well as to improve its operational performance. As a result of these initiatives, JKLC's coal consumption reduced from 85 kg per tonne of cement in 2009 - 10 to 82 kg per tonne of cement in 2010 - 11. The plant showed a minor reduction in its specific electricity consumption, which stood at 80.55 kWh per tonne of Cement in 2010 -11 as compared to 80.66 kWh per tonne of cement in the previous year. The company undertook several energy conservation projects in 2010 - 11 . A major initiative was the installation of a waste heat recovery-based power generation plant. The 15 MW plant uses waste heat from the preheater exhaust and the cooler exhaust of kilns. Another measure was the replacement of the old conventional ball mill with Chinese vertical rolling mill for grinding limestone. For improving blending efficiency, JKLC installed limit switches in the cyclic valve. Downtime of the cement mill was reduced by installing an internal water spray control valve, a dedicated compressor for both baghouses and a separate compressor. Other initiatives include optimization of the operating pressure in the preheater blaster compressor of the kiln, optimization of plant lighting voltage and arresting leakages in the process fans to avoid false air infiltration and extension of anti– swirl plates. Going forward, the company plans to monitor, control and analyse equipment and plant performance for specific energy consumption and explore improved ways of energy conservation. Conclusion With the implementation of energy conservation measure, cement manufacturers can reap dual benefits in the form of enhanced operational efficiency as well as reduction in energy costs. A considerable amount of energy can be saved through simple measures like prevention of idle operation of equipment, installation of high efficiency compressors and use of VFDs. These initiatives will go a long way achieving sustainable growth of the cement industry. Courtesy: Power Line, May 2012, Pp86-87. Energy Conservation • ENCASHING LIGHTING ENERGY EFFICIENCIES -A NATIONAL STRATEGY DOCUMENT In a new study 'Encashing Lighting Energy Efficiencies - A National Strategy Document, ASSOCHAM has suggested that wide spread use of new and efficient lighting devices like T-5 fluorescent lamps, Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs), and Light Emitting Devices (LEOs) can save India around 34,723 MWs of generating capacity. At an average installation cost of Rs. 10 crore per MW for thermal, including transmission and di stribution costs (but excluding operating costs for fuel, staff, and pollution/carbon abatement measures); to Rs. 20 crore per MW for hydro plants, including transmission and distribution costs (but excluding staff, environmental and population rehabilitation costs); and with a 50:50 thermal: hydro mix, this translates into a national saving of around Rs.5, 20, 845 crores. And the icing on the cake is that all this can 'be achieved almost instantly through proactive measures taken by the Govt. and complemented through a civil society led movement, with matching support form the industry and utilities. Since implementing this lighting efficiency option would cost only Rs.SO,OOO crores, the national gain comes to a mind- boggling Rs.4,70,845 crores! Elaborating upon the example of LEOs, which have typical efficiencies of 110 lumen/watt and an operating life of 50,000 to 80,000 burning hours (as compared to the efficiency of a pitiable 5 - 20 34