CEE April-June 2012

The Loesche vertical mill is stabilized during regular operation by means of continuous adaptation of the controller operating points. The plant is therefore operated as closely as possible to its specified limits. This in turn increases plant performance. The software platform required for the purpose is, irrespective of the manufacturer of the automation system, installed on a separate industry PC. With only a few interventions in the existing automation system and low investment expenditure it is thus possible to increase the efficiency of the grinding plant. Anyone wishing to operate their plant in line with the latest requirements should not just view LM_Master as an optional extra. Target markets and applications of the online process optimization are Loesche vertical mills and all areas of material comminution. The application is intended for both new installations and existing grinding systems. www.locschc.com Courtesy: ZKG Issue 3, 2012, P22. OPTIMIZING THE CEMENT PRODUCTION At its production site at Heming/France, Holcim uses and lnsitec on-line particle size analyzer (Figure1) from Malvern Instruments, to optimize the grinding circuits that mill the finished cement. By continuously monitoring two parallel production lines, the lnsitec supplies the data needed to optimize throughput and at the same time produce cement of the highest quality. "For us, the lnsitec is an essential tool for optimizing the performance of the finishing mills and it is of great value to the production teams," said Michel Berger, Chemist - Instrumentation and Environment Specialist. "It provides continuous particle size data for the material existing the mills, so that the operators can react quickly and confidently when making control decisions. We now control the plant extremely installation the site relied on off-line analysis in the laboratory. This demanded greater manual input and meant a delay of around 15 minutes between sampling and receiving results. The timely information provided by the lnsitec supports more responsive control which leads to greater operational efficiency. In cement production, particle size is a critical parameter that has a direct impact on product quality. Laser diffraction techniques are used increasingly to meet the resulting requirement for particle size information. These are replacing the traditional technique of Blaine (surface area) measurement. The lnsitec is robust on-line laser diffraction particle size analyzer that meets industrial requirements for continuous reliable monitoring closely and transition between different product Eff1t1ent transtl ton between products facohtatl!d by on hne dndlysos grades very efficiently. As a result we have increased throughput and enhanced product quality." At the Heming site two identical grinding circuits operate in parallel. The lnsitec samples each one alternately, providing parti cle size distribution data for each line every 10 minutes. Before its within the plant environment, in cement manufacture and elsewhere across a diverse range of manufacturing industries. www.malvem.com Courtesy: ZKG, Issue 3, 2012, P24. 20