CEE April-June 2012

4. 2. 1 Chemical analysis of SPL : The chemical analysis of SPL material was carried out and the result is as follows: Oxide % Loss Free basis LOI 30.7 SiOz 9.8 14.1 Alz03 26.8 38.7 FezOJ 1.2 1.7 CaO 2.1 3.0 NazO 16.4 23.7 F 13.0 18.8 4.2.2 Mineralogical Analysis of SPL XRD analysis was carried out for phase composition of SPL. The qualitative & quantitative phase compositions are also given in Fig:3. Fig:3- XRD phase Quantification of Spent Pot liner from Aluminium Industry l.talco Sl'l.. Janl0 am •oo ~ ~ " ;r, t v Posilon rzn The phase analysis shows that the major phases are Cryolite ( Na~IF 6 )----- 70%, Fluorite– (CaF2) -- 4% Quartz- (SiOz)----8%, Corundum (AI 2 0 3 ) -17% -Others---(1 -2 %). 4. 2. 3 Burnabilty Studies SPL was added 0.5% to the kiln feed and the raw mix was made with 3% ash absorption. The results of burnability studies are given Fig:4 4 ~ 13oo· c 14oo· c H 15 OS B SO 1400 4.2.4 Bomb Calorimeter: The SPL contains Carbon as indicated by the Lol at 550 deg C. When tested in a Bomb calorimeter it gave Gross Calorific value of -1000 K.Callkg. 4.2. 5 Microstruture : The microstructure of clinker (Fig 5) produced using SPL showed lesser free lime , more aluminate and well developed C3S & C2S. Fig:5 a) Clinker 1400 C- Control: without SPL addition Microstructure showing C 3 S. liquid phase along with Free lime cluster (seen at the centre). Fig:5b- Clinker 1400 Deg C- with SPL addition (0.5%): Microstructure showing well-developed reactive C 3 S, C2S, Liquid phase . The free lime is less. 8