CEE April-June 2012

being tribals. The government is aware of (a) the eroding resources base and socio-cultural heritage of tribal population through a combination of development interventions, commercial interest, and lack of effective legal protection of tribals and (b) the disruption of life and environment of tribal population owing to unimaginative, insensitive package of relief. Conclusion The process of globalization has invaded India since the introduction of New Liberalisation Policy. LEFT have become important aspects to deal with and in absence of robust policies and ineffective implementation of the existing ones, are affecting the growth of the nation negatively. The country has to grow to address various issues like poverty, unemployment, GHG emissions etc. and therefore it is necessary that robust practical and implementable country based indigenous policies on LEFT need to be framed with the involvement of various stakeholders. The Government and the Industry both have to show sensitivity towards the issues related to LEFT and should work on long term basis instead of opportunistic approach to create favorable environment to attain not only growth but a sustainable, socially acceptable growth. D. Venkateswaran 1 , REFERENCES: Globalisation, Identity and Culture: Tribal Issues in India; P.S. Pratheep Catholicate College (Mahatma Gandhi University) www.lscac.msu.ac.th/book/149.pdf Manpreeth Sethi, Land Reform in India: Issues and Challenges, Chp. 4 of Promised land: competing visions of agrarian reform, By Peter Rosset, Raj Patel, Michael Courville, Land Research Action Network, 2006 www.foodfirst.org/files/bookstore/pdf/promisedIand/4 .pdf MP Forest, Land Management: Introduction (As On 30-06-2010) www.mpforest.org/landmark.html World Environment Day 2011: Forest Issues and Challenges in India -MAY 30TH, 2011 www.thinktosustain.com/.../world-environment-day- 2011-forest-issu... Better Quality Of Rural Life: North East Regions Tribal , Dalit Areas - By S.B. Verma, Murali Krishna Sharma, books.google.co.in/books?isbn=8176258520... Note: The views expmssed in this Article are based on the literature referred by the author and do not reflect in any manner the views of CMA 1 R&D Centre, The India Cements Ltd., TSN Nagar, Cement Nagar- 621730, Tamilnadu, India Keyword: By-products; Cement industries; Copper slag; Flue dust; Jarosite; Spent Pot Line Abstract Cement industry is very energy intensive, and it is a raw material driven industry. With recent emphasis on environmental protection & conservation, Cement companies are increasingly using industrial by-products in place of conventional non-renewable raw materials. However, for acceptance of these industrial by-products it must be ensured that they are cost-effective, there is no deterioration of product quality and adequate health and safety standards are maintained. Depending on chemistry of the limestone, which is the major raw material , corrective materials such as iron ore, laterite I bauxite etc are used to the extent of 2 to 6% in designing a suitable raw mix for clinkerisation. For a 1 million ton per annum plant, the requirement of such corrective materials varies from 100 ton to 300 tons per day. This puts enormous pressure on natural resources, forcing the cement industry to look out for iron/alumina bearing alternative materials that are cost-effective and compatible with manufacturing process. This work describes the successful utilization of industri al by-products such as Copper slag from copper Industry and flue dust from Iron & steel industry as alternative raw materials in cement manufacturi ng process. The potential uses of a few other industrial by products such as Jarosite from Zinc Industry & Spent Pot-li ner from Aluminum Industry in the development of cost-effective cementitious binders have also been highlighted. • Corresponding Author: D. Venkateswaran, Email: venkat.d@indiacements.co.in Paper is based on the Presentation at the International Conference on Mineral Processing Technology, Udaipur Oct -2011. 5