Cement and Energy

- The identilied measures were evaluated on the basis of tcchno-c<.:onomi c considerations, and details of in vestments worked out for all the measures. Further, hascd on the in vestments and the estimated savings, priortisation of the measures was done. Section-wise potential for savings in electrical and thermal energy consumptions of the three units with operational improvements and technological upgradations are given in Table I . Table 1: Section-wise savings potential Potential for Savings with Section Operational Improvements Technological Upgradation U-1 U-11 Electrical Energy, kWh/t of OPC • Crushing Section - 0.33 • Raw Grinding 1.17 1.51 • Pyroproccssing - 4.57 • Coal Grinding 0.46 - • Clinker Grinding 1.61 2.76 • Packing O.D2 0.46 Thermal Energy, kcal/kg clinker Overall Plant 17 2 1 The overall :-.aving poten tial for the three uni ts in electrical and th ermal energy consumptions with the opera tional improvements and the technological upgradations arc shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4 110 / 105 (.) Q. 100 0 0 95 ~ $: 90 ~ 85 80 1/ ~[7 ~t7 ~[7 ~ t7 ~ 7 ~ 7 [7 ~ ~~ 1/ 1/ / 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ / / / U-1 U-11 U-111 0 Before Study OWith operational improvements OWith technological upgradation // Figure .1 Sa\ ing potenttal for electrical energy consumption U-III - 0.78 l.l7 - 4.14 - 4 U-1 - 1.17 5.78 1.02 1.61 0.02 65 820 / 800 ... 780 Q) :.(. 760 £ 0 740 en :.(. ::::. 720 <'a u :.(. 700 ~~ 680 660 U-ll U-lll 0.33 - 1.51 0.78 7 .04 1.59 - - 4.41 4.14 0.46 - 2 1 4 ~'7 ~ 7 ~ t7 ~7 ~ ~7 ~~ ~/ v v v v v v v :/ U-1 U-11 U-111 0 Before Study OWith operational improvement OWith technological upgradation V/ Figure 4 Saving potential for thermal energy consumption It can be seen from the above fi gures that the potential for savings in electrical energy is up to 8 kWh/t of OPC with operational improvements without any in vestment , and up to 12 kWh/t of OPC with technological upgradation with investment. For thermal energy consumption the potential with operati onal improvements is up to 21 kcal/kg clinker and up to 65 kcal/kg clinker with technologi<.:al upgradation. • 7