Cement and Energy

I Table II: Potential Savings Identified Through Energy Audit Studies Plant Process and Capacity Energy saving potential No. Thermal Power Total value kcallk:g kWh/t Rs.lakhl clinker cement Year I Dry with precal, 1.0 MTPA 108 3.57 305 2 Dry with precal, 1.2 MTPA 66.7 4.4 181 3 Dry with SP, 0.8 MTPA 30.2 2.07 51 4 Dry with SP, 1.0 MTPA Kiln I 98.16 2.27 161 Kiln II 96.02 5 Dry with SP, 1.0 MTPA Kiln I 52.9 3.24 243 Kiln II 76.1 6 Dry with precal , 1.0 MTPA 73.4 NA* 103 7 Dry with precal, J.O MTPA 31.67 8.1 263 8 Dry with precal, 1.0 MTPA 164 16.4 470 . 9 Dry with SP, 1.06 MTPA Ki ln I 88 10.4 172 Kiln II 30.96 3.23 97 * Thermal audit only Note: At wdar's average cost of coal @ Rs. 1800/tonne and cost of power @ Rs. 3.50/unit, the JWit'nlia/ saving will he IIlllCh higher. Monitoring and Target Setting for Energy Having ~mphas i scd the need for monitoring energy us~.:. NCB has also hrought out "Guide norms for cement plant operations·· whi ch also provide norms for cn~rgy usc in the various sections of the plants. The norms have hccn in usc 111 cement plants ex tensively eva luating sectionwise and identifying the the performance, areas for improvuncnt. NCB's energy monitoring study indicates that th e reduction in energy consumption levels is the cumulative result of s~vcr<1l mcasun.:s taken hy the industry over the y~ars. As more than 40 - 45% of the final cost of cement production is traceable to energy cost, a concentrated search is necessary for more effi cient ways to minimise the direct and indirect infl uence of energy on the fin al product. It is therefore imperative to evolve a new agenda for energy conservation with an integrated approach coveri ng energy audit studies, proper operational control and optimi sation of processes, adoption of upgraded technologies and energy efficient equipment/systems. Recycling of energy intensive material, co-generation of power and utilisation of alternative fuels, will go a long way in meeting the industry's national and international objective of energy conservation. • 4 .,..