Cement and Energy

Burning alternative fuels in rotary kilns Combustion equipment Firing alternative fuels presents difficulties, such as avoiding an increase in the calcining zone length thus affecting the calcinated product quality. It is therefore necessary to aclnpt the burner air momentum and air/fuel flow rates. The basic burner technology consists in using the Rotallam design (patented) but it can be modified to comply with specific requirements for alternative fuels. Since 1990 Pillard has supplied over 400 Rotatlam burners world-wide. Rotaflam technology is characterised by: • Adjustable primary air consumption, which is chosen accordi ng to the nature and quality of waste fuels to be fired . • Improved flame shaping abilities can be achieved by burner tip adjustments, while in operation. • Low NO, formation (forward to CEMFLAME IFRF research programme). • High flame stability due to the (patented) tip design. • High turn down ratio. : .. •.:-~: 4 , 1 ' 0 ' ..11 ·'~"'' • . • : • , II 0 " ' ·. :. ·.- · .... .;. '; ,' :" :~ ~::· . :~·-" .. 8 Separated injection tube on top of the burner injecting shredded plastics into the·flame. Rotaflam<~~> including one additional annular channel for waste solid fuel. Firing liquid wastes Up to three tubes can be fitted in the central burner hub in addition to the axial jacket-tube. Each can house a liquid - fuel gun which can be fired separately or simultaneously. Liquid 'NaSl vuld include pasty, solvents and water. Firi11g solid wastes Injection of products, such as bark, sawdust (impregnated or not) and shredded plastics, into the flame l-oy a separate tube located close to the main burner, or even by a separate auxiliary burner, is surely not the best solution. Rotaflam®burner tip front vfew with 1 + 3 jacket tubes fitted in the central hub. Kiln equipped with an auxiliary burner. Rotaflam<~~> with central injection tube for rice-husk or biomass/sawdust firing. 8 -