Cement and Energy

To tackle the above problem effecti vely : 1. We need to give further momentum to bridge the gap between demand and supply by optimi sing energy prices. 11. Government had decided to introduce a legislation in Parliament on Energy Conservation. 111. Besides mandating settin g of standards for ident ified items, the legislation would also Soura : Economic Times. 4 March 1998 provide for a system of labelling to be introduced in the country. 1v. Standards of energy efficiency would be reviewed from time to time to ensure that the technological advances taking place in various parts of the world are brought into the manufacturing process in India as well so that energy use can be further rationalised. FORTHCOMING EVENTS * lntcJTl'nt'9X. \thcns, (;n'l'l'C 13- 14 May, 199R * Contact : BMS Limited Tel : +44 (0) 18 1 669 5222 Fax : (0) I g I 669 9926 IEEEIJ>C \ : -tOth Cement Industry 'I cchnical Confcrcn<.'c napid ('it~ . ~outh Dakota, liSA 17 -2 1 May. 199R Contact : Mike Pcndq, Dacotah Cement Tel : + I 605 394 5278 Fax : + I 605 394 5296 Cem£'111 .Hamt.facluren' Association * IOth International Technical Conference on Cement and Building Materials Beirut. Lehanon 9 - 12 November, 1998 Contact : Ahmad AI-Rousan Tel : 963 II 666 50 70/661 55 53 Fax : 963 I I 662 15 25 * Sixth NCB International Seminar on Cement and Buildin~ 1\latcrials, New Delhi 24 - 27 November, 1998 Contact : Organising Secretary Nat ional Counci l for Cement and Building Materials P 21 South Extn ., Part - II New Delhi - 11 0 049, Indi a Tel : 9 1- 11 -6259 133, 91- 11-6251371 Fax : 9 1- I 1-6258868, 9 I- I 29-242 100 Vishnu Kiran Chamher, 2 142-47, Gurudwara Road, Karol Bagh , New Delhi- 110 005 . Tel: .576-3206, 576-0347. 573-2332, Tlx: 03 1-77240, Fax: 01 1-573-8476. E-mail : cmand @nda. vs nl.net.in .\'ational ( ottncil for Cement and Building Materials NH-2. Ballahgarh 12 1 004. Haryana. Tel: 012<.J-242-05 1 to 56. 0 129-246-174-75, Tlx: 0343-30 1, Fax: 0129-242- 100 14 lfl m <0 "' <0 ..,. ci 0 ..,. "' <0 .. .. : - a. a: