Cement and Energy

,. The overall impact this invention would create in a $80 billion world power generation market would be mind boggling. The new generator has a positive Source. The Economic Times, New Delhi, 26.2.1998 influence on the power networks by produci ng more reactive power and creating greater network stability than conventional generators. NOW, OFF-SHORE WIND ENERGY T he quest lor sustainable and non-polluting energy sources, wh ich can significantly reduce C0 2 emissions, is on the threshold of proving the feasibility or farge-sca le power generation using off-shore wi nd turbines. Under the European Joule Programme, vari ous countries including Sweden , Britai n and The Netherlands arc developing near-shore and off-shore wind energy park s of different capacities. In Denmark, off-shore wind turbines arc already an accepted feature, with two parks in operation and licence for a thi rd (350 MW) park having hcen applied for. Denmark hopes to generate 5500 MW from wind energy hy the year 2030, including 4000 MW from otTshorc sources. Source: SESI Neu·sleller. December, 1997 The Netherlands is carrying out a feasibility study for a 100 MW near-shore wind energy park. Experience has shown that airflow is less turbulent over water (in this case the Ijsselmer) than over land, so that more energy can be generated. The Netherlands aims to generate 1500 MW of energy from offshore sources by the year 2020. The Dutch branch of Greenpeace is even lobbying for 10000 MW capacity in the medium terms, equivalent to over a third of the country' s present energy consumption. Britain has a 30 MW project, which it is hoped, can compete with on-shore projects in energy cost price. FUEL CELL TECHNOLOGY SUCCESSFULLY FIELD DEMONSTRATED F or the lirst time in the country, ' Fuel Cell T~:chnology'. a non conventional energy source, has been success full y tested and field demonstrated for over 500 hours hy BHEL. Two fuel cell stacks of 5 kW each installed at Shrce Rayalsccma Alkalis and Allied Chemicals (SRJ\AC) Limited, Kurnool, in Andhra Pradesh gave a perl'ormance which exceeded the specifications by 1.85 kW/ccll. BHEL is now building a 50 kW ruel cell for demonstration at the same unit. The cost of the project, estimated at Rs. 13 mill ion, Sourn•. Business Dige.fl. December 1- 15, /997 is being shared jointly by BHEL, SRAAC and the Mini stry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources. Once the cell becomes operational, a part of the hydrogen that is currently burned in the boiler, would be efficiently used to produce electric power. The 50 kW fuel cell generator is li kely to be commercialised by BHEL soon. Fuel cell technology is expected to emerge as a major source of pollulion free power in the 21st century. II